Whatsapp to What..snap? A Good Move?

Whatsapp to What..snap? A Good Move?

People are furious, people are excited and people are confused about the new update launched by whatsapp recently. This update allows you to post snapchat like stories straight from your whatsapp which will disappear after 24 hours.

Some people cite it as bad move or copying its competitor. Somewhere its true too. Is facebook so scared of snapchat? Facebook failed in its attempt to buyout snapchat so is it trying to remove it completeley from market by copying its features.

This copying is not new though. Pirates of sillicon valley exists since long. The infamous Apple copied from Xerox and Microsoft copied from Apple tale is something we all know.  This may be called as inspiration from competitors because we know

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. 

Even in the modern entrepreneurial world companies often undertake these practices and strategies. Suppose you launch a great car and it seems to you that your competitor is launching a car too which can prove a direct competition to your existing car, you launch another car. This time the new car have all those features which will give a competition to your old car and eventually your competitors model.

This is practiced to ensure that those customers who are loyal to your brand name or those who are some where interested in your company will not go to your competition for better products but will opt for the cars that are produced by you only. 

Thus it helps in retaining customers and keep the profits within company only.

Let's see how #Facebook's game to turn #WhatsApp and #Instagram like #Snapchat turns out.

#PiratesoftheSilliconValley #WhatsappUpdate #WhatsappStories #BusinessTip


