Have you ever stared at a clock and waited for time to pass by? Not for a particular hour but for a particular phase? For some things you know how long to wait for. You know the exact time for things to happen, when to head home from work, what time is the match, what time did you book the movie tickets for and in how much time will the popcorn and pizza be ready. You are lucky if you know the duration you need to wait for. As for some instances in life, you need to sit, do your thesis, know where you went wrong, know what you did right, take a stand, be patient, hope for the best and leave the rest to time.
Patience is a virtue. Some inherit it, some learn and acquire it with time, while some lose it with time. Patience and time are two spaces in life which can change the course of your life. If you continue to hold onto what you believe in, chances are you achieve it. Life would probably be simple if it involved only you, yourself. No dependencies, no expectations, no responsibilities. But would that even be a life? Safe to say No. People, relationships, connections, these are what make life worthwhile. Everyone goes through a phase where they live life on their terms and for themselves. Then comes a phase where their life, plans, meals, expenditures, savings, sleeping pattern, TV series, movies, vacations, everything depends on another individual. This could be your parents, a partner, flat mates, siblings, colleagues and so on. How do you balance this out? How do you go about making this someone a part of your life, a part of your routine without upsetting your routine?!
You do that with a little bit of patience. While you accommodate the lifestyle, they do too. While you share your fears, they share some insecurities. While you share your dreams, they share some hope. It is this acceptance and understanding spread over phases that enable a balanced equation between two individuals. However, where this is acceptance, there is bound to be rejection as well, some discomfort, some resistance to the unfamiliar, and some apprehensions of the familiar. You might have a way to work things out that suits you, and if you hear them out, they might have another way that suits them, and both the paths might cause some unrest to each other. What causes this? The human mind. The one that should be in your control, but seldom is. It takes control over you and blurs your ability to think. While you know what is it that you are seeking and are willing to take chances on, it points you in directions with a cushioned padding to your emotions, to protect you from the possible adversities, causing you to shut down from the environment, shut down from people and sit in a ready steady go position with a loaded gun of defensive arguments.
While you might think this is protecting you, it actually puts you in a space difficult to step out from. While it might be justified to be cautious, our human mind tends to make us paranoid. This paranoia then creates a web that is bound to entangle you someday, unless you find a way to break out of it. While you were busy being cautious to protect yourself from the shocks of life, you did not even realize the errors in judgement and wrong calls you made. These are the make or break situations in life. You can either be patient now, analyse your actions and wait or you can be clumsy as ever, run all over the space and further add to the chaos. It is not easy to sit back and keep it together when you want to make things right, but sometimes no matter how desperate you feel to put things on the right track, you need to wait it out, give some breathing space, sit tight, be patient, take a deep breath and know…
What’s yours will come to you!!