WHAT'S YOUR WORTH?  Looking for a New Career is Challenging. Don't Complicate it.
Words and Layout ? 2020 by James Bahm; Image: StockVault

WHAT'S YOUR WORTH? Looking for a New Career is Challenging. Don't Complicate it.

? 2020 by James Bahm

(Author's Note: While this article primarily addresses recruiting from a staffing perspective, it is applicable to everyone in any industry.)

I talk with so many people on a daily basis who are looking for work. Whether it's office/clerical/admin, or light industrial in Nevada, California, Oregon, or Washington, most job seekers are very similar. If they complete the application and show up for the interview, at some point in the conversation I ask: How much are you looking to make in your next job?

The replies initially caught me off guard and they're rather sad. "I don't know." "What's the going rate?" "Eight dollars an hour, maybe ten?" and so on. The basis for these responses are the same: they do not realize their worth.

With the recent layoffs from iHeart, and other companies there are several qualified candidates looking for work. Invariably, the talk of compensation always comes up, and generally, the first side who mentions a number loses. A great starter question when they ask how much you're looking to make is: "It sounds like you have a number in mind?"

Looking For Work

If you're looking for a new career, don't let someone else dictate your worth. I love seeing job posts that show the salary range. It's a great way for you to eliminate potential employers off your list.

If you don't see it listed, make that one of your questions on the initial screening interview. Simply saying, "Can you help me with something? I didn't see a pay range on the job post; are you able to let me know the range you have in mind for this position?" Asking this way will likely get you the numbers they have in mind.

Granted, in sales, a good portion of your compensation comes from commissions/bonuses; however, you still need a base that will sustain you as you get your feet underneath you and grow in your new surroundings. This is especially so if you are relocating across the country, or if you are taking a sales role in a new industry.

Only you know your financial situation and what pay/benefits you need. Don't let anyone tell you what you're worth. If a position isn't what you're looking for, kindly pass on it.

It helps to research places like Zip Recruiter, Glassdoor, Indeed, Salary.com, even LinkedIn to see what salaries are being reported.

Inside Your Organization

I've experienced firsthand what it's like to go all out for a company and have no one acknowledge what you did, or the contributions you made. A year or two into your position and no raise, no progress/promotion with your career trajectory, and no manager saying what a good job you're doing.

There are ways to approach them and ask for a raise, a promotion, or some acknowledgement for what you've achieved and contributed to the team. When you are ready to ask, remain polite, be succinct and present evidence (especially that which you pulled from the sites listed above) that validates your request. And above all: Remain Polite!

Employers need to realize that their greatest resources are the men and women who are the face of the organization with clients and the public they interact with on a daily basis.

When the grass is green on both sides of the fence and they fail to see your worth at your current company, look for a place where you're appreciated. There are plenty of talented professionals sitting in cubicles who could be spreading their wings with another company.

Take a look and see if it's the right time for you to fly.

Bottom Line: When it's time to grow your career, don't sell your life-long worth for a temporary benefit.

James Bahm is a broadcasting veteran and owner of The Bahm Consulting, an Advertising, Marketing, and Sales consulting company in Las Vegas, NV.


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