What's Your Word for 2020?

What's Your Word for 2020?

pssst... what is your word for 2020? Please share it in the comments...

For the last 15 years, I have been choosing a word for the year. Some of my past words: ILLUMINATE, REFINE, BLISS, and UNSTOPPABLE.

This year, the word that called me is PERSPECTIVE.

As usual, I turned it into an acronym to create short sentences that bring it to life for me.

~ Practice P.E.A.C.E.*

~ Embrace and give grace more freely

~ Repurpose over recreate as often as possible

~ Steward my energy and talents wisely and intentionally

~ Prayer-filled abiding in silent stillness every day

~ Empower thru actions + words

~ Create clarity in chaos for myself and others

~ Thrive thru transformation and transition

~ Invest in my well-being (self-care)

~ Valiantly lead and serve my Lioness Prides

~ Encourage and elevate my sacred inner circle

*Read more about my P.E.A.C.E. practice.

Need help finding + supporting YOUR ONE WORD?

Download this complimentary guide: debratrappen.com/mymoxielife2020

Get ready to:

  • Choose your ONE WORD for the year ahead.
  • Create an acronym to bring your word to LIFE.
  • Uncover 11 exciting ways to create a year filled with intentional moxie moments.
  • Support your vision with resources.

Here is to celebrating a magical “Moxie Life” in your future. If you need me along the way, you know where to find me!


...Find additional resources here.


