What's Your Why?
We all need a reason to get out of bed in the morning and do what we do. For a lot of us it might be to provide for our family, while others have a greater vision or purpose. I find it interesting that those with greater vision or purpose end up providing for their family very well. Do you have a defined purpose?
My wife is a State Farm agent and she loves to sell life insurance. The reason she is so driven to sell life insurance has nothing to do with the commission percentages. It has everything to do with meeting the needs of her clients, at the time of the tragic loss of a loved one. Imagine the tragedy of the family not meeting financial needs after Dad dies. They have to sell off the house, move into an apartment and begin looking for a second job, attempting to provide for the family. In this example, the drive inside of her is to be able to provide funding for the family with a life insurance payout. This is her why, this is the reason she presents every customer with life insurance options. Just last week one client was laid to rest without life insurance because she was waiting until she stopped smoking to get a better rate. She was offered a plan yet declined. How would you feel if you never offered her the choice?
We all need to have this kind of why, in our life that is well defined and understood. Maybe you are an advisor and you make sure your customers vehicles are gone over in such a careful manner that every need the vehicle has to be safe is explained and presented professionally. You might be in a leadership position and your why is to encourage and uplift others and help them to develop their careers successfully. The most successful people are driven more by their why then money. The money follows the passion of these individuals. What is your why?
Rob Gehring, President
Fixed Performance Inc.
[email protected]
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