"What’s your why?"
This week my mother-in-law Viv, celebrated her 70th birthday.? That’s a momentous occasion in any family but for us it's extra special.
To coin Simon Sinek it got me thinking about my “why”.?
When we decided to establish Lead Candidate, we all wanted to create a business with a clear and simple vision. To do the right thing. And, while we all believe in that, I also think it’s important that we all have our own, personal reasons for doing what we do.
That’s certainly true for me.? And if you’ll let me, I’ll explain why.
14 years ago to the day, on 12th May 2008, my then 56-year-old mother-in-law, was struck down with acute meningococcal meningitis.
Despite the best efforts of the NHS medical teams’, her condition rapidly deteriorated and developed into full-blown meningococcal septicaemia.
72 hours after her admission into the hospital, the critical care team told us it was unlikely she would survive, and we should prepare ourselves for the worst.
It was then a consultant in the team became aware of a recently approved drug. It wasn’t openly available in the NHS at that time, but her quick thinking got access to the treatment and within 24 hours the drugs were being administered.? It was literally Viv’s last chance.
As I’ve already said, Viv celebrated her 70th birthday this week.? She did that with her three grandchildren. None of whom she would have met if it wasn’t for the brilliant Consultant and the introduction of a newly developed drug.
While we are blessed to still have her with us today, meningitis left its lasting mark and Viv has adjusted to life as a quadruple amputee with a range of complex health issues. Many of which are successfully managed with pharmaceutical interventions.
So, bringing me back to my why. When Raman Sehgal and Fiona Cruickshank spoke to me about creating Lead Candidate, I didn’t just believe in doing the right thing, I saw a genuine opportunity to pay back the people that gave my family a chance.
We help our customers in the pharma and bio outsourcing space to hire and retain the finest talent to research, develop and manufacture treatments. If our work positively impacts what they do and gives just one family the chance my family was afforded, then I’m achieving my why.
What drives your motivation and purpose? – Feel free to share your why in the comments.