What's Your Why??
Cliff Sewell
Founder - Cliff Sewell Consultancy - Elite Talent Coach - Key Note Speaker -Host @ The Magical Mindset Podcast., Author "Success - It's Personal" and "A Magical Mind" Coming 2025
You Need A Why!!
Why do you do, what you do? At work, At home, Anywhere!! If you want to succeed you need a Why?
Why do I run like I do? Why did I do 3 hours and 24k of hill training this weekend?
Why? 15ten15 - That's Why!
Yes I want to get fit, Yes I enjoy feeling good about my fitness and yes it will hopefully help me live longer. But that's not the Why!!
I got sick and tired of what who and what I was. If honest I had lost all self respect in me and my business. So I needed to change and I did. But there was a, Why!.
The "Why?" was because I wanted to build a new and different type of business. At the core of that business I needed pride, I needed self respect, I needed honesty, I needed people who wanted to do a great job for others and not be driven by just money and bonus.
How could I do that if the team looked at me and saw a suit who was clearly past his best, who was carrying too many lbs, who didn't do things that clearly challenged me away from just bloody fees!!!
I needed clients and candidates to see something different about me and the team, see something that was just more than another group going to work to pay the bills.
My passion and what we will succeed in building at 15ten15 is that we are a business all about achievement and opportunity, a business that in many ways, will create opportunities for businesses and individuals who believe there is more, where you can shut away the negative folk and go on achieve great things in your life.
Right now, our point of delivery is recruitment and opportunities for clients and candidates to find each other, to engage and to then work together. A structure that we believe is now financially fair to clients at the same times as ensuring we succeed financially. (We all know it has to work both ways!!)
Coming soon, will be so many other ways in which we create opportunities, create environments for people to interact and achieve special things in all areas of life.
Its not been an easy journey so far, we have already found sometimes its not worked perfectly for clients and candidates and that's frustrating for all involved. Maybe we didn't explain well enough what we are now, or maybe they didn't get what we are trying to do!! Its not a blame game, its life, its change. But every time we look, we talk and we learn and make sure what we are doing is better.
We have had team members who were good at what they did in the past, but they didn't get what we are trying to do! That doesn't make us right them wrong! It just means we are different and have a different Why. We have evolved, we have changed and we now know who and what we are and Why! Now we know what sort of person fits 15ten15, the type of person who "Just gets it!!"
What's your Why? Can you honestly and openly shout out what your Why is? Can you look in the mirror and smile and know deep inside that you are following the right Why? Do you walk into work and know what your company why is? Can you honestly stand up in front of all your business and explain what your Why is? Do your clients, partners and suppliers know what your Why is?
In my coaching with businesses and individuals, that is the most important thing I need to know! For any business, person to succeed they must have a Why! They must have reason, because if success is the aim, I can assure you that its not all going to be straight forwards and if you want to stay true to what you believe, to be able to keep going, you need a Why
One thing I do know is that I am yet to find a negative person who can honestly tell me their Why!! They can tell me what I do is wrong, they can write negative comments all over social media about every imaginable subject and how things are not as they should be, not right, crap team, rubbish leaders etc etc - But!! I never see them write about what their Why is!
The same with running!! It takes time to get it right but most of all and most importantly work out your why, install that into your mind, your thinking, your actions and then the results will come....