What’s in Your Water ?
PFAS is in the news again – & while PFAS & Forever Chemicals make headlines in the media (and rightly so ) it also begs the question of what else is in our drinking water .
Microlene from Davey is a complete range of Water Treatment & Water Sanitation products designed to clean up our water & take out a lot of the contaminants that in many cases we don’t even know they’re there.
From Dirt & Sediment, Ag chemicals, Biological Organisms like Cryptosporidium cysts & Giardia, Viruses like Influenza & Rotavirus or Fluoride & Heavy metals, all can be reduced , controlled & in many cases eliminated with the correct method using Filtration , UV Water Sanitation or Water treatment in the case of hard water & Lime / Calcium build up .
If your tank water tastes a bit off or has a smell – are there hard water deposits floating in the bottom of your kettle or is there a build-up of Lime or Calcium scale on a leaky fitting – then you need to go and talk to your local Davey Pump Dealer & get the right advise for your water treatment problems.?
Ask for MICROLENE by name and know you have the support & experience of one of Australia’s best known & trusted water companies.
Davey have been around for over 90 years – we know a thing or two about water.
You can depend on Davey. ?????????????????? Daveywater.com