What's your voiceprint?
Sally Prosser
Voice & Public Speaking Coach | Media Trainer | Speaker | Host of That Voice Podcast
Is your voice opening doors?
When you're in full alignment with your unique sound you can access people, places and spaces that are otherwise unavailable to you.
Here are the 4-steps to find your unique voiceprint:?
1. SEE IT: Visualise an element in nature that inspires you. How does this influence the way you speak?
2. FEEL IT: Your voice runs throughout your body. Can you feel it in your head, heart and solar plexus?
3. HEAR IT: Learn to love the sound of your voice! If you want your voice to leave a positive impression, you need to have a positive impression of your voice. Develop a healthy relationship with it.
4. USE IT: Take opportunities to speak! Can you call instead of email, can you voicenote instead of text, can you show your face and voice on social media??
Ready to leave your voiceprint? Check out episode 211 of That Voice Podcast - https://www.sallyprosser.com.au/thatvoicepodcast/211
Want to know what to say… when you don’t know what to say? Download my free E-Book: https://www.sallyprosser.online/wts-ebook
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