What’s on Your Vision Board?… Self-Reflection -Actualization… Developing Aspirational Optimism – Aligning Wellness Mindset in Your Life
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
For the last eighteen months I’ve been on this Vison Quest
…freed from my phone and email by retirement
I no longer have to be like one of Pavlov’s Dogs every time it pings
Spent an entire lifetime getting ready for this Third Chapter Moment of my Life
My Grandfather told me at seven
—Save Your Money So You Can have a Happy Old Age
My Mom told me
Invest in Your Health – Wellness and Beauty
With deliberate self-discipline I did both
……… to arrive at the Pinnacle of true Independence and Health
Yet every good and perfect gift from above must be re-invested back into the world as this is the only manner that grace can proliferate
My concise Philosophy is one of Simple Abundance
….just like Dante’s Celestial Circles is the constant ascent upward to a more immaterial realm where so much of the world challenges come into a vivid perspective
I’ve always been a self-reflective individual with a deep spiritual inner life firmly attached to a collection of celestial immaterial agency and my ancestors who are present with me all the time
They are a most powerful aspirational witness that focuses my attention
…preventing distraction, disruption and listening to the noisy delusion
I recently heard about these Vision Boards which are a productive process of actualization
…what an excellent wellness instrument
These Vision Boards become a matrix or even better a higher form energy Mandala that induces a process of Aspiration- Reflection- Actualization that further calibrates even deeper Introspection
In our present toxic culture, we have stripped most folks of these reassuring energies of hopeful optimism
…..life is challenging in our broken system whose Leadership Class seeks to further and further expand their wealth by more intensely controlling all elements of life
Yet God helps those that help themselves
…coming from an extremely marginalized group my mindset was always sure
All things are possible to those that believe
…but more importantly believe in themselves
These Vision Boards are Dream Machine Matrixes that bring you back into focus
…to align with your best behaviors
So many people are lost in the haze of temporary pleasures, social media addiction or far worse internet behaviors
Looking for Love in all the wrong places
While I do not have a Vision Board
..what I Do have is many beautiful objects that were acquired from a lifetime of business travel to the four corners of the earth
..what I do have is many warm photographs of people, places that reflect the love I’ve invested …. my small portion contribution to the world
They are a constant reassurance of the Optimistic Vitality of Life
..along with my responsibility to stand tall and pass that blessing forward
So as you can see
…just like the Vision Board they transform these immaterial concepts into material objectives and results
This creates a Circle of Wellness that is furthered reinforced by a life of now unconscious Routines, Rituals and Regiments
…that form the repetitive sequencing that emulates the physiological patterns of Homeostasis
This focused wellness produces a Neurogenetic process that enlivens if not rapidly fuels expansive brain cell growth
Of course with such a plethora of vibrations
…I’m always dreaming or creating something new and, in most cases, highly original
….while at almost seventy I’m on a fast moving ten speed bicycle
..for you young ones out there
The Vision Board is a nice start as this bike with training wheels attached ……becomes this tangible – material object
..that in a concise highly personal and unique manner expresses the best portion of your essence
What a great instrument of fulfilling self-actualization
I read that people have these Vision Board Workshops and even Parties
..bringing a community together that desires better from themselves and are willing to support other in becoming better
..has a wonderous spiritual quality
Which we won’t talk about because that may be too intense for many
So let’s keep it loose and light
…nothing heavy and perseverating
This is your blank canvas
…my first impression is to make my Vision Board Bright and Colorful for it captures who I am at the deepest level--- just loving life
…to have a mixture of material things, planned experiences and hopeful career and developmental objectives
…by all means don’t limit yourself by wanting ?a lot of stuff
This is precisely the shallow toxic culture we’re trying to free ourselves from
..now go deeper and create a narrative for each objective on your board
..still better construct your narratives as evolving stories
Much more than a one-dimensional visual experience this process leads you to an introspective experience
..Yes…your Inner Life – the Special You—Unique Creation
…sorry but…whose spiritual obligation is the fruition of your unique gift to the world
More than an option this is the Path into that ascending Dante World
In rejecting the conformity of our society, you will find a self-liberation that is so centering and healing
This is the hopeful wish I have for these young people that have been sorely disappointed by a failed Leadership Class in America
My eighteen-month intense study reveals as endemic pathology
.......not just in WDC
..... in small state government / Concord NH
….small town-- locally
Biden’s Farewell Address echoed Eisenhower’s in 1961
….this consolidation of power that seeks unliteral control at the expense of disempowering the aspirational dreams of our society
…especially our young people
Who must follow the same path that I proceeded upon sixty years ago
…..believing in the Power of Dream -Self Determination
All things are still possible
…if you can shut out all the noise
…pay attention to your priorities
Live within the envelop of Your Vision Board Life
…you are a perfect creation that must learn that in just being yourself
........... you are more than enough
I’ve spent a lifetime outside the structured system of conformity which I view as the source of the mediocrity that has debilitated our culture
….this lonely road – the one least traveled…doing my own thing
…has allowed me to arrive at the place where I wanted to be
So, Come on….Let’s Write the Vision Board of Your Beautiful Life
Bold – Bright –filled with Hopeful Promise
Remember …..
The only thing that can limit you is your lack of imagination
Good Luck