What's your value?
Louise Hallam
Helping visionary leaders & public figures take the stress out of planning and building business ecosystems fit for the future | Medicine Woman | Cosmic Vision Guide | Future Fitness |
When you are aligned with your mission and purpose, when you know the true value of what you do, the right people show up, you make the most beautiful connections and you take action.
On Sunday I was having a conversation with someone, on Monday I'd created a new membership!
Yes, it's the age of divine feminine energy, but when you need to get shiz done and you need the rocket fuel to do it, masculine energy is what works. You can't be in one energy all of the time otherwise you never get anything done or you burnout. Men and women need a balance of both.
Know your worth
I know that values are important to people that have a mission. One of my core values is that I believe that everyone deserves to be treated fairly.
When you know the true value of who you are and what you came to do, you can stop trying so hard. There is a natural flow of energy that allows you to be seen, to be heard, to take action and to open to the possibility of new opportunities effortlessly. Everyone can see you and you are no longer afraid, because there is only one truth to speak it. It belongs in the world and so do you.
Finding your voice
In the past I've struggled to find my voice and on occasions not spoken up when I wanted to. When I worked in corporate I felt like I often saw things differently to my colleagues, so I want to rock the boat. Doing my own inner work on this, I've found beliefs about being left out and also ancestral patterns of speaking up for other misfits and there being consequences. As a spiritual leader it is my responsibility that other misfits and visionaries can find their voice.
It takes more than meditation
In 2018 I left the corporate world to follow my passion of teaching meditation. I'd come to the end of a difficult road, where I'd eventually taken time off with low mood, which had I stayed any longer would have turned into depression.
What I didn't know that my spiritual mentor told me at our first meeting, was that my spirit was dying. It sounded dramatic and it felt it, but it was the wake-up call I needed. Feeling overlooked and undervalued finally made me decide that there must be something more. I truly believed that becoming my own boss was the answer, which it has been on so many levels.
Working with spirit and my guides, I was connected with my soul purpose and it opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibility. What I didn't realise was I was still putting off coming face to face with why I didn't value myself and my lack of self worth. It often left me frustrated and misunderstood and feeling as though I wasn't making the difference that I knew I could.
I was in a different set-up, but with the same hang-ups. Until I faced up to that reality I knew that the ghosts of my low self-esteem and confidence would still follow me wherever I went.
It didn't matter how deep I went on my spiritual path, I was still carrying those burdens. It impacted on my mental and physical health as well as not being able to grow my business the way I wanted to.
You need your own medicine
As soon as I used my own medicine to work on my limiting values and beliefs, it was as though I had unlocked the door to a new chance to breathe life into living again.
This time it was on my terms, with confidence, able to speak my truth and feel comfortable and at peace with who I was for the first time. We have predetermined gifts that mean that all our life experiences show us the way to who and why we came to make a difference.
You've not wasted any time and it's not too late. Let's remember that being spiritual is strengthening a connection to the self, inner knowing, intuition and guidance when you want it. It's not weird, what's weird is when we don't do these things that make life a whole lot easier to navigate, once you get the hang of it!
If you want to know how I can help you to believe, connect, repurpose or reposition yourselves then you can find that here.
If you want to transform the way you feel about family gatherings as an introvert you can get my Energy Spa & Detox. A menu of treatments to help you do peopling without the stress.
It you want to have access to resources right now that can support your calling for soul growth and connection, you can join The Value Vault. Ready for epic transformation in 2024.
It only remains for me to sprinkle joy, peace and calm on your festivities and wish you all the best for your seasons celebrations.
Blessings of love & light,
Louise x