What's Your Tipping Point?
Ayelet Baron
Storysharing. Creator. Former Global Futurist, Multi Award Winning Author and Cisco Exec
When we choose to step out of the programming of how we’re supposed to live, we start questioning everything. Why? Because we can. We’ve been gifted with this skill that we can practice throughout our life.
There was a lot of hope placed on the world as we changed our digits to 2020. But few anticipated what we’re experiencing today. Some say that this shift shows how connected we all are and that we have reached a collective quest for all humanity. And some believe it is a plot to further enslave us.
And yes, there are shifts taking place but we are still very much infected by the virus of the mind with the fear of the unknown and the increasing stress of having our social interactions restricted are causing us. And there is also the deep loss that many people are experiencing now in many aspects of our lives.
This virus of the mind, which is invisible, has taken billions into unhealthy fear that we don’t talk about openly. People are jumping on video calls with people from around the globe and yet, fail to have open conversations outside of work and within ourselves. We’ve been so busy working and making a living that we forgot to question why we’re so caught up with our survival. Now, we’re buying gloves and masks to protect our physical bodies when our mental and emotional bodies are calling us to pay attention to what is buried deep inside of us.
Did we simply forget to question and listen to what is deep inside of us, and if we did, can we forgive ourselves?
I now live in a town that is on the mainland but you can only get here by plane, ferry, or boat. The planes have been grounded, for now, so one can only get here by sea. The thought of not being able to get in my car and drive anywhere used to freak me out, until now. Because now, I'm living in a forest by the Pacific Ocean, where I can walk without seeing a soul, and there’s no where to go even if I wanted to leave. By living in Nature and appreciating its deep roots and intelligence, I am able to not only question everything but free myself to set deep intentions and pursue my love of providing medicine for the soul through writing.
I have learned that we cannot snap our fingers and change our circumstances in a flash. We cannot become a chef or heal ourselves over night. While our world will never be the same, we cannot be delusional and believe that the transformation to healthy, conscious living, will not take great effort and coordination. It will require those who are ready to become bridge builders first by creating what we need ourselves and then, for the collective. It will require forgiveness and a conscious intention to leave behind what is making us sick.
We cannot continue shifting the deck chairs of our hero-based culture by continuing to seek answers outside of ourselves. When we’re in harmony with Nature, we learn about the fierceness of the wind howling or the earth quaking, and also are able to remember that we are part of Nature. That we came here to live in harmony with the natural world, which we have forgotten. Nature is not separate from us.
All our innovation, technology and what we have learned to dominate comes from Mother Nature. We may have genetically modified our food source, in the name of progress, but all we did in the end is create edible poison in a fast food culture that has been feeding us invisible viruses for decades. Selling us an unhealthy way of life that no longer works for the vast majority of humanity. And when we realize that there is no one to blame, judge or point fingers at as the villain, we can step into our own power as amazing creators of the world.
The reality of it all
Some are saying that this collective experience will pave the way to our interconnectedness. And I agree, we are more connected than we ever imagined. But at the same time, we have lost our connection to ourselves and until we regain it, there is much lip service to what collaboration, teamwork and community actually means. Families — that have not had deep conversations for years — are now living on top of one another. Couples who have been on the road for years, rushing from meeting to meeting, are now in a confined space with nowhere to go apart throwing ourselves deeper into our work or panicking about how we will pay our bills and make a living.
The reality is that we don’t really have an idea of where we’re going since we are so busy fearing, observing, reporting and planning. But who is actually creating? We seem to be lost in decaying systems and failed models of unconscious “leadership” — from financial systems to education to politics to healthcare to entertainment — that we ourselves created.
For at least a hundred years, we’ve collectively been led to believe that the more we consume and achieve, the more successful we will be. Our never-ending consumption always demanded another fix, and has largely been fueled by destruction, not disruption. The destruction of our environment, values, relationships, communities, and so much more. Our kids are at home now and we have a chance to rebuild our foundation, and not outsource them to the care of someone else. There is so much that is possible right now when we’re ready to question and fuly experience the tipping point.
We can be in despair and feed on the energy of unhealthy fear, or we set a healthy intention to trek into the unknown
It’s up to us to decide which stories we choose to live, and which we want to write and create. We can fill our days with the current programming or decide, for ourselves, what questions are flowing into our awareness that we can no longer suppress.
The current manual of success wants us to be accomplished and achieving. And the tempting part of living within this manual is that we know how it plays out. The only relief we can ever have is another hit, another list, another win, another whatever makes everyone celebrate or validate us; often leaving ourselves empty and drained. Do we want to continue to fight for our life, when we can question what we’re actually fighting for, and why are we even spending our life following a manual that’s making us sick?
What can break this cycle is us acknowledging our power. And collectively, we are a long way from that, as it is personal. Sure, we can get another fix but unless we face ourselves in the mirror and really see deep inside ourselves, we’re just getting another hit that will make our pain go away temporarily.
We’re all facing these situations as our day-to-day reality changes, whether we are working more from home or have lost our jobs or income. Whatever we’re facing, we can remember that there’s always a way. We may not like where one road leads but there’s always a way to flow forward. I don’t think any problem exists unless there is an opportunity already rising beneath the surface. Can you see the opportunity and align yourself with it?
We’re being called to have faith in the unknown and to embrace our own, personal transformation of who we thought we were supposed to be to truly understanding why we came to this planet at this time. We’re all being called to become aware of our personal power and why we’ve been giving it away. We can simplify everything right now to the best of our ability and take the path that is calling us to experiment and make changes in ourselves.
And regardless of what we choose, there are options to be in our power when we begin to see with healthy eyes what has been waiting for us patiently to understand. It all boils down to our personal knowing and how each possibility feels to us.
There’s no better time than now to question everything ?
Now is the time to question where we are, where we’re headed, and what we can do to find our balance and power.
Our world needs us to recognize our gifts and create with clarity of intent so that we may live a healthy life, and be in balance with our Nature.
So, what’s your tipping point?
Let’s start a converation. Let me know your thoughts.
“Nothing does more to influence how we feel about life, and ourselves, than the way we are treated”
4 年Well Ayelet Baron, I agree with Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, Mom that now is the time for positive transformation. The current situation is bringing out the best in people and making them more receptive to my mission; to help make the world a kinder, more caring place. Although I know my chosen path, the humanity unfolding before my eyes is motivating me to want to do better, be better and serve better. I am so very grateful for all the people, including you Ayelet Baron, that are challenging us to look inside and become our best selves! Thanks for the inspiration!
Mom First. Author. Keynote. Consultant. Trainer. Event Gifts (Journals). Keynote: Authenticity for Gentle Resilience. Other Topics: Feminine, Self-acceptance, Individual sovereignty, Mindful entrepreneurship
4 年I truly believe this is a time gifted to us for positive transformation, Ayelet Baron, whatever the root! First, I believe, for the individual, then, through the inevitable shining of each individual transformed, global community. I believe it's the energy taken to focus that we call hard work, but I have this practice of reframing by doing what I want to (not what I have to), that inevitably brings me back to wanting to so what I seemingly, "have to" do. That path takes a bit longer sometimes, but less and less so, now, and it actually energizes me, instead of depleting my energy, like "hard work". All of this is a fairly new (3-4 years) journey for me, but thought I'd share. Not many are open to the unknown magic you're sharing here, but I hope more of us read and are inspired to step more deeply into this positive transformation. Thank you for sharing this! A great start to the day ????????
Very good post. I will unpack it further. Thank you for sharing.