What's Your Target?
Are you living the life of the person you want to be? Are you afraid of being stuck in a dead end job? Of not realizing your true potential? How often are you solving big problems?
If you don’t like the answers to those questions, then this is the leadership training program you’ve been waiting for. The skills you learn in this course will help you expand your influence, manage your stress, and reach your target. You will hear practical insights on leadership, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, communication, mental toughness, performance discipline and mindset mastery.
Register now to attend this transformational workshop—guaranteed to be the most life-changing message you’ve heard all year (or your money back!).
CEO of You Registration - Friday, Nov 20, 2015 Greenville, SC
CEO of You: An Introduction to Ground Zero Leadership
- The Science of Command & Control over Mind, Body and Emotions
- How the Brain Works and its Implications for Performance
- Learn How and When to Use Emotion versus Logic
- Identify the 4 Levels of Thinking
- Learn to apply the Golf Swing of Thinking
- Hear the Difference between Truth and Fact
- Understand the Process of Turning New Skills into Talents
- Identify what it means to Live Life on All 8 Cylinders
- Build Your Identity Statement
- Learn about Motivation and when we Approach vs Avoid
- Insights into Mindset and the Key Differences between Average & Elite
- Set, Focus and Move in on Your Target