What's Your Story?
Tracy Burger, M.S.
Personal & Professional Development Coach | Nonprofits | Emotional Intelligence | Author & Writer
Nebulous. Cloudy. Indistinct. Fuzzy. Amorphous. Shapeless.
What do you think when you hear those words? Are you eager to come closer and learn more or do you want to distance yourself and slowly walk away?
If you are anything like me, you don’t know what to do with formless ideas, unclear directions, foggy interpretations of a concept. I want nothing to do with it.
When I was little, I used to walk my older sisters to the school bus that stopped at our driveway to The Green House in northeast Iowa. Some days we’d see a morphing shape of white specks hovering in the air around us. The ethereal form would move toward us then away, changing shape in random, blob-like movements. Because my sisters had been reading Nancy Drew mysteries, we concluded the unshapen swarm must be a ghost trying to scare us away from inhabiting its domain. Screaming, we’d run a circuitous route to the road trying to avoid contact with the apparition.
Because our elementary school brains didn’t know that gnats swarm to make it easier to find each other and mate, we made up a story that fit into our young minds to keep us safe.
In her book Rising Strong, Brene Brown examines the idea that when we don’t have enough information about something we make up stories about it to protect us and help us make sense of a scary world.
“In the absence of data, we will always make up stories. In fact, the need to make up a story, especially when we are hurt, is part of our most primitive survival wiring. Mean making is in our biology, and our default is often to come up with a story that makes sense, feels familiar, and offers us insight into how best to self-protect.”
She discusses how this is true when dealing with others in our world, but what about how we make up stories about ourselves?
If you don’t know who you are, what you want, the consequences of succeeding or failing in life, you make up stories about who you are. Much of the time these are false, and you run around trying to avoid parts of yourself you don’t understand or fear examining. Truth.
So, what is your story? And I don’t mean your past history of life on this planet.
Who are you right now? What is the story you are telling yourself about yourself? Where are the truths and fabrications in this story?
Just like any book or movie you’ve ever read or seen, story makes sense of life. If you haven’t watched the film Finding Joe, I highly recommend it as a way of thinking of your life—or any book or movie you know of—as a story with all the elements: setting, characters, plot, conflict, resolution, point of view, theme.
Think of your story as a way of positioning yourself in the world, a way of focusing on what matters, defining your day, week, month, year or entire life.
What is your story now? What do you want it to be?
Every story has certain elements, or it doesn’t make sense and is not compelling. How do you make sense of your story and make you (and those around you) want more, want to be part of it? Think about (or better yet, write it out) the following in terms of your current situation, problem or effort, or broaden it to encompass your entire life purpose.
When you have clarity on your story and what you want, when you write it out in detail and see it as a story, it is much easier to talk about and engage not only yourself in your personal mission, but others as well.
What’s your story and how are you talking about it to yourself and others?
To learn more about my story, check out my book Running Away from Home.