What's Your Story Now?
We could never have predicted how our story went in 2020. The twists and turns were greater than any scriptwriter could have plotted. The fall, rise, fall and then rise again of the heroine's plot-line was greater than most classic plays ever penned.
What did we learn from our story in 2020?
What are we aware of about our story now?
What would we like our story to become in 2021?
One thing I am deeply conscious of now, is that we never truly could predict how our story would go, nor, would we want to. Our higher Source who we are all in connection with, is a Creator, and although creators love an innovative and inspirational design, they also love an element of surprise!
At some stage, life, before the internet, was a long slow surprise of wonder, intrigue, at times a puzzle to solve, which set humans on a quest to figure it all out. They researched, investigated, tested out, trialled and planned out again, we looked for answers, roadmaps, guidelines...and yet, there are still questions, still science to be discovered, and still unknown stories unfolding in the now and from the past, worldwide.
Perhaps our not knowing, and the unexpected twists and turns of our story, are part of the bigger story we are all part of?
It could be, that our quest to then figure it all out, leads us forwards to where our purpose awaits us to step into, until there are no more paths left to explore on this land, in this lifetime, at least.
This post more than anything, invites you to embrace your story as it is now; it may not be as you had predicted, or in parts might want it to be, but, it is YOUR story. Your story is uniquely part of your evolution.
You have some control over how you change your story now, but the change that would serve you well, is change that brings you and your story back on a path to being your true self, living your life on purpose, deeply connected to Source and our humanity.
If the question then is, who is my true self, how do I really want to live my life, and what is my purpose, then those are the real questions to be seeking insight to in your story now.
You have the answers already, it just takes time and skill to be able to ask the resonant questions, to listen deeply, and then make sense of the messages you hear and are receiving. You have innate wisdom, intelligence, and insight–you have a guiding star that is showing you a vision of where your story needs to evolve. If you choose to follow it.
My door is open if you want a safe space to be supported to find your answers within. Start to change your story now, so that it feels like the story you were and are meant to be living.
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