What's Your Story?
In every major role I’ve had in life, as different as they were, there was one common activity that led to success: Asking questions!
But how often are we asking ourselves the right questions?
One of the first things we're taught as journalists are the 5W's and an H. Recently, as I pondered the uncertainty that still lies ahead with my business, I used them for myself:
There may be many people you can serve, and serve successfully, but casting too wide of a net is a recipe for marketing failure. Prospects want to believe that you're directly catering to them. If you try to help everyone, you'll end up reaching no one.
Modern marketing avenues have become a double-edged sword. There are more places than ever before to amplify your message. But that also means figuring out which ones are frequented by the people you want part of your community. Where have you have the most relevant interactions and engagement to date? Double down on your outreach there and get it to scale before hopping somewhere else.
Outside of your story, what makes you uniquely qualified to do what you do? First, that requires identifying a problem and addressing it with your solution. That solution is often a framework, a system, or something else that leads to a clear outcome. Without using this as a hook (like, ahem, an upcoming masterclass), it becomes exponentially more difficult to convert a prospect into a client.
This one really got me thinking. How often do the shoemaker's kids go without shoes? Have you personally tested your deliverables on yourself? If you're not the first testimonial and case study in your own business, you've missed the boat.
Still trying to figure this one out. Open to suggestions! How long should you go taking a certain marketing or messaging approach before shifting gears? How much time or wheel spinning should you give yourself before moving on?
The obvious answer? Ask! And it's an even easier proposition when you know who you want to get in front of, which platforms they frequent, how you can help them, and why you're the best option to do so.
Shameless Promos:
Last chance for two big events next week:
Your Bio, Your Brand Webinar: Free webinar exploring how we can leverage our personal story to create deeper and more meaningful connections.
Be Seen As The Expert Masterclass: Pilot cohort helping purpose-driven solopreneurs defeat Imposter Syndrome and create a portfolio of content that frames them as industry thought leaders. Money-back guarantee!
Random Top 5 List:
For those in cooler climates where it's beginning to get chillier, here are my Top 5 Yacht Rock songs to warm you up (and yes, I took the "yacht" part literally):
If you found any of this helpful, interesting, and/or amusing, please subscribe for more!
Until next time,