What’s Your Story?
We all have a story that has led us to where we are today.
Here’s one of mine. I’m going to take you back to 5th Grade.
My family had just moved from Wisconsin to Michigan the year before. We moved because my dad had been offered an executive position with a private company with the promise to be its CEO, when the Founder and CEO retired. 1 year in the position, the company was sold to a corporation who decided to bring in their own top executives. Which meant my dad was out of a job.
One day walking home from school, I declared to myself, “You can’t do that to my dad!” “I’m going to show you guys!”
I was 10 years old.
Fast forward, I was a senior in college at the University of Colorado. I was taking a women’s studies class and during the 1st semester, we watched gender biased films. I learned for the first time how the media portrayed women! This new perspective fueled me and I got angry. One day in the 2nd semester, of the class I had a startling realization. I had no reason to be mad. At that very moment, I decided “I was going to join them!” Of course, that meant men.
After graduation, I was inspired to work for a company that was taking on an industry Goliath, AT&T. I was hired by a senior woman manager, who was both a teacher and mentor to me. She showed me step by step, how to be a solution sales person. I took off.
In my first year of sales, I was ranked #1. A few years later, I moved to a technology company that had just gone public. I eventually rose to VP Sales level, where I led both US and International teams. Throughout my time at the company, most of my colleagues were male. They were amazing and so were the women I worked with. I’m grateful for the relationships we built and all the fun we had.
As I said earlier, I decided to join them!
Though I built a new vertical for the company and led teams to overachieve objectives 12 years in a row, looking back, I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin. I wasn’t comfortable with all the accolades I received. Or the visibility I had within the company. So what did I do? I pushed the attention down to my team. At some level, I felt inadequate and still doubted myself.
Instead of owning my power, I gave it away.
After my corporate gigs, I decided to go into executive search as I’m highly passionate about leadership and empowering people. I recruited senior leadership talent for technology companies.
I’ve interviewed hundreds of candidates through the years – both men and women. So many of the women I met didn’t completely embrace their power – much like I didn’t. CEOs and executives have told me many of their top performers are women. They only wish they could own their power and confidence like men do.
This is why I founded Woman UnRuled.
I work with progressive business women who want to more powerfully navigate their world and career. I help women break free from what’s holding them back so they can step fully into their authentic power with grace, ease and joy.
We All Have a Story.
What Had Led You to Where You Are Today?
I Want to Hear. Make Yours a Powerful One.
Amy Matthews is a consultant, coach and advisor to executives, entrepreneurs and rising stars. She is the founder of Woman UnRuled and the creator of ‘Limitless’, a customized Leadership program for high performing women. Learn more about her 1:1 and corporate coaching services, here. Follow Amy Matthews on LinkedIn to get her daily posts. For weekly inspiration and business tips, subscribe to her newsletter here.