What's your story?
Alexandra Smaranda
HR Business Partner | Life Enthusiast | Passionate about People, Running, Great Events & Beautiful Memories ??
Ever since childhood, we've been making scenarios about how our lives look.
"Snow White", "Cinderella" and the result of a split family, "Goat with 3 Jesters", a mother who is forced to grow by herself her kids ... Premature empowerment of a child as happened in "Red Squirt", "Little Mermaid" and double personality ...
All are stories meant to get children to sleep but while the conscious is asleep, the subconscious works ..
We need to know that in life we will have to fight the seven-headed dragon, and we will lose sometimes , the wicked witch will ruin our plans from time to time and yes, the fox is really sly.
Now, this is your story and you are the author. So, you can be the good guy or the bad guy, it depends on you.
You do not let anyone get into your mind and break your balance because we all feel it...
There is that "and they have lived happily ever after!"