What Stories Are You Telling About 2021?

What Stories Are You Telling About 2021?

Tara Conklin said, "Your greatest work of art is the story you tell about yourself."

Tara's quote has had a profound impact on my life. It has brought a new level of awareness to the stories I'm telling about what's happening - and whether they're hurting or helping.

Because, as John Lennon said, "Reality leaves a lot to the imagination."

Things happen to or around us and then we tell a story about whether it was good or bad.

The stories aren't necessarily TRUE, they're just a reflection of our mood, our expectations, mental habits, and circumstances.

The thing is, we can choose to tell stories that DIRECT our life vs. REFLECT our life.

We can choose to interpret what happens with proactive grace.

We can choose to focus on the stories that serve us rather than sabotage us.

We can choose to tell new stories instead of repeat old ones.

We've got three weeks left of this year.

What stories are you telling about 2021?

Are you letting external events hijack your stories?

Are you focusing on what went wrong instead of what went right?

Are you letting circumstances define your life?

Because we have a choice. And the stories we choose end up being our truth.

It's not too late to do a Story Audit for 2021.

Print out these questions and take them to dinner with a friend or family member.

You might want to give 20 minute to one person and then 20 minutes to the next so they can get in the flow of thinks (not a typo) and answer honestly, without interruption.

You might even want to OTTER.AI your response so you can listen to them in the years ahead. Because this WILL be your memories of this year - for better or for worse.

Round 1: Answer the questions top-of-mind and say whatever comes to mind. No censuring or judging. Let it flow, let it go, let it flow.

Round 2: Ask yourself if THAT is what you want to remember this year. Are there are other experiences and epiphanies you rather focus on to be your memory of this year?

Remember that the the stories you choose to tell are in your power and they will determine how you forever view this year.

A lot happened. Some good. Some bad.

What will you elect to carry forward in your memory bank?

The Stories I Choose to Tell about 2021

1. How did I give back, volunteer or make a difference this year?

2. Who is someone who really showed up for me, who positively impacted me? How so?

3. How did I change - for good? What new habits, rituals, beliefs and behaviors did I adopt?

4. What’s a meaningful accomplishment I achieved or a skill I learned I’m proud of?

5. What was hard? What was discouraging? How did I deal with? What did I learn from it?

6. What did I learn about myself that was surprising?

7. What is the best book I read, movie/TV program I saw, podcast I listened to? Why?

8. What is a regret I have from this year? Something I wish I'd done differently?

9. When I think back on this year, what am I most grateful for? Why?

10. When I think back to 2021, what I MOST what to remember is ...

Queen Elizabeth said, "Good memories are our second chance at happiness."

Good stories are also our second chance at happiness.

What stories do you want to you imprint and carry forward from 2021?


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