What’s Your Reason for Being?
Jacob Morgan
5x Best-Selling Author, Futurist, & Keynote Speaker. Founder of Future Of Work Leaders (Global CHRO Community). Focused on Leadership, The Future of Work, & Employee Experience
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Why do you do what you do?
What motivates you to work hard and make a difference?
What about your company--what is the purpose of your organization? What are you hoping to achieve?
All of these questions can be answered in a Reason for Being.
Nearly every successful company has a mission statement. You may even have your own personal mission statement. But do you have a Reason for Being?
A Reason for Being is a way to rally employees and focus on the company’s impact on the community and the world. But a Reason for Being isn’t tied to financial gain and isn’t attainable. Instead, it’s a guiding light that keeps the company moving toward its ultimate purpose.
As you create your Reason for Being, ask yourself these questions:
You can have a Reason for Being as an individual, as a team, and as a company. Reflect on these questions to find the why behind your actions. Then share it with others and make sure everyone is on board.?
A Reason for Being can transform how you and your team think about your purpose as an employee and organization.?
Every Reason for Being is unique. I’d love to hear what you come up with!
The?#1?challenge for organizations right now is how to attract and retain talent. Organizations are stuck in old ways of thinking about work and they are struggling!?In my new PDF , I outline 7 ways the workforce is changing and what you and your organization need to do to adapt. The Great Resignation is The Great Opportunity if you are willing to take action!?Click here to download the PDF.
Thought leadership partner | Accountability coach | Budding author | Dog mom | Adventurer
2 年Jacob Morgan, what's your Reason for Being?
This reminds me of a book. Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team Book by David Mead, Peter Docker, and Simon Sinek
Founder | Advisor | Podcaster | Growth Wizard | Customer Woo-er | Culture & People Enthusiast | Rare Mom & Pediatric Sj?gren's Advocate | Top LinkedIn Voice | Redefining Workplaces + Igniting Hearts, Sparking Change
2 年Jacob Morgan?It's the North Star that keeps everyone aligned and motivated. When times are tough, it's what helps you get back up and keep going. A reason for being can be something as simple as making people's lives better or providing a great customer experience. But whatever it is, it needs to be authentic and meaningful. It can't just be a catchy slogan or something that sounds good on paper. A reason for being is something that should be felt by everyone in the company, from the CEO down to the janitor. And when it's genuine, it will shine through in everything you do.
Chief of Staff, People Strategy, Change & Transformation, Business Management, HSBC, KPMG, Qualified Chartered Accountant
2 年Organisations should share their vision and mission regularly.. sometimes it’s not clear and gets lost in the midst of delivering and other priorities. It’s something everyone in the organisation should be aware of, understand and ideally buy into.
Purpose is the driving force for positive action in individuals, teams and the company at large Love the reflection Jacob