What's your Purpose?
Shivam Arren
Be True & Humble. Put your head down and get things done! UdChalo Housing | Shopping | Travel | Financial Services IIM Indore, IIT Varanasi
Many of us dream of a day when we can stop working, have enough money to travel, read, paint, relax, just hang up our boots!! Then there are days when these feelings surface due to frustrations and problems we would rather run away from. Another day we would get completely bored of doing same work over and over again and wish to find that one thing, that one purpose in life which would deprive us from all of the above.
Our quest in short is to do something or reach somewhere we find happiness. And that is where we start our never ending journey to find meaning of and to our lives - Our purpose to Live!
So do you have a Purpose in life? The purpose for which you were supposedly born in this world? A question which all of us would want some one to answer for us or at least provide with a subtle hint!
I am afraid I have bad news for you. No one is born with a defined purpose to her or his life. Some times the environment, conditions and situations in which you are born defines it for you. At other times a deeply emotional incident in life may define your purpose but most of the times, skills and learning you pick early in life defines your life purpose.
Since you are not born with a clearly written or defined purpose is good news too. This means that everyone has the freedom to define it for themselves. The earlier you do is better but it is never too late as well! In fact it is better to keep revisiting the purpose of everything happening in your life once in a while.
Tired of doing repetitive work? Go back to remembering why you started doing the work you do in the first place? How do you add more value to yourself and to everyone around with it?
Bored of a relationship? Build a new purpose around it to rejuvenate. Create something new together! Work towards it.
Want to contribute to the society? Go and teach children at the nearby slum or volunteer at a health center or whatever makes you happy.
Be a mentor to someone! Help them grow, succeed and be happy in life.
Take life long care of a loved one!
Find your purpose. Only you can define it for yourself and everyone will have it different from others.
So what's your purpose?