What's on your prescription for your wellbeing?
Alison Smith
Helping You See the Wood for the Trees: Creative Coaching Using Nature & Metaphor | Speaker | Author | Creative Facilitator | 24+ Years of Inspiring Change #LandscapingYourLife #Nature #PoeticInsight
When you're out of sorts or stressed you don't always notice that you are, nor have access to logical thinking that would help you to get into a more resourceful state of mind and/or body.
That's where the prescription idea comes in - a predetermined list of things you can pick from that you can do when you're feeling out of sorts, out of balance or stressed (or when someone reminds you that you're demonstrating (pre-agreed) signs that you are.)
A prescription of things that you know helps you to feel better (see bottom of the post for details of a prescription for wellbeing template).
For an Advent series of posts in December 2021, I shared 24 suggestions for gifts or activities you could give yourself using #BeKindToYourselfThisChristmas - this is a summary of those suggested gifts - with other suggestions added to help inform your own prescription for wellbeing.
Awareness is where it all starts.
Awareness for some that you can no longer continue to give to others at the expense of not giving to yourself.
Awareness for others that your energy levels are severely depleted.
Awareness for many that nearly two years of fear, protection, defence, disruption, coping, disconnection, pushing through and/or holding on has taken its toll.
Awareness that mind, body, heart and/or soul need a break, or at the very least some tender loving care.
A reminder to be as kind to yourself as you are to others.
Other A's for your prescription might include: Affirmations, Action, Adventure, Absurdity, Activity, Art, Asking for help, Anchoring and Appreciation.
Being - invites you to set aside your to-do list and instead consider a to-be list.
What qualitity(ies) are you choosing to embody?
Not what ‘should’, nor what you ‘ought’ or ‘must’ embody.
Instead, what being do you ‘want’ to embody?
What being would be the greatest gift to yourself?
It’s a question I ask at the start of procurement, creative problem solving or wellbeing workshops - even if the term I use then is mindset.
What mindset do you need to help you to achieve your objective today?
Articulating the mindset you wish to embody and bringing it into conscious awareness helps your brain to support you to bring it into reality.
Other B's might include: Building, Baking, Bird watching, Breathing, Bathing, Boundaries, Balance, Belief, Breathwork and Badminton.
I wonder what we could achieve in our lives, and in the world, if we nurtured self-belief a little more?
It’s certainly a topic of many coaching sessions I facilitate (life, executive or procurement themed), and tangentially the focus of a poem I wrote earlier this year ‘I reclaim all my parts’.
I reclaim all my parts
The parts I’ve lost along the way
The parts whose existence I’ve denied.
The unacknowledged and unappreciated parts
The forgotten parts
The parts I’ve found it hard to love
I reclaim all of my parts
I give breath to all of my parts
I love all of my parts
And all of my parts love me
I also share more about this poem in episode 7 of my Podcast - Landscaping Your Life with Alison Smith.
How can you give yourself the gift of self-belief?
Other C's might include: Camping (although this would be on my personal list of things to avoid doing), Candles, Cycling, Connection, Celebration, Crystals, Cooking, Crying, Caring, Creativity, Coach, Compassion, Counsellor, Climbing, Choir, Comedy, Concert and Classes.
Which reminds me to say that whilst an A to Z sounds like a great idea in practice you may only have C's on your prescription for wellbeing - there's no right or wrong - just a list you can refer to of things that work for you, and even a list of things to stop doing too.
Drinking (water)
“Have you drank enough water?” asks my personal trainer frequently in response to a variety of symptoms.
Whilst water may not always be the answer - it often is.
Other D's might include: Doing nothing, Decluttering, Doing something different, Driving, Dancing, Date night, Diet, Doctor (or another health practitioner), Drawing, Debrief and Discipline.
I find it so very hard, & frustrating, that a loving gift I can give myself is NOT eating “a little bit of what I fancy”.
What I fancy would be dairy-related, and if that’s accompanied by potatoes then I’d be very happy.
Cheese and potato pie anyone?
What I’ve discovered though is that dairy gives me an irritating and persistent cough, and potatoes inflame my arthritic knees meaning every step is painful.
The gift of not eating what I fancy has a seemingly miraculous outcome, and is such a nurturing and loving decision for me.
A gift, however, I have to remind myself of daily especially when tired and reaching for food I associate with comfort.
What do you fancy and choose not to eat because you know it’s not good for you?
Enjoy whatever you eat today.
Other E's might include: Exercise, Extreme sports, Essential oils, Empathy, Ecology, Enjoyment, Emotions and Earth.
In training sessions I’ve always adopted the philosophy of “fun with purpose” - whether in category strategy development, creative problem solving or soft skills training.
In that laughter can help disrupt our thinking, build rapport with others, and makes for more enjoyable and memorable learning.
Laughter isn’t necessarily just an end but can also be a means to an end.
The gift you’re being invited to give yourself here, therefore, is to let go of the stereotype of your profession or role; to release the musts, oughts and shoulds; and to allow a little fun and laughter into your work.
Other F's might include: Five second rule (see Mel Robbins), Fun, Focus, Fresh Air, Fitness, Faith, Friends, Forgiveness, Flexibility, Flower growing or flower arranging, Films, Fishing, Fulfilment, Feelings, Family and Food.
Gratitude & Giving
When giving to others we’re also giving ourselves a gift too - in that research shows that helping others is associated with improved wellbeing for the giver not just the receiver.
And I don’t mean giving that requires anything more than a little of your time.
It’s why giving is one of the 5 ways to wellbeing, developed by the New Economics Foundation, and why it’s included in?Headtorch?wellbeing and mental health workshops and coaching that I’m involved in.
Since we’re on G, why not go for a double whammy of Giving Gratitude.
Who can you show gratitude to, and when will you show it?
Or perhaps you have another way of giving your time and attention to others?
Other G's might include: Gardening, Grounding, Games, Going Out, Golf,?Gym, Goals, Goodness and Grinning.
How are you?
When asked “How are you?” the gift you could give yourself is giving an honest answer rather than an automatic “everything is fine” (when it isn’t).
Other H's might include: High Five (see Mel Robbins again), Healthy eating, House cleaning, Humour, Holiday, Health, Helping, Hiking or Hugs (here I am hugging Smudger who died in June 2021 at the grand age of 22).
Being down to Earth is not often associated with the gift of “intuition” and yet it’s its biggest gift.
Intuition has many names whether inner wisdom, inner compass or inner knowing.
An inner knowing what to do that, if listened to, keeps you grounded and on track.
How often can your more logical mind build castles in the air that never materialise in fact - sending or keeping you going you round and round in circles, or headed up that creek, or wandering lost in a wood unable to see it for the trees?
Intuition just looks, feels and sounds different to logic and so it’s easy to miss, distrust or even fear.
Until you act on that whisper one day and realised it was the right thing to do.
A whisper that over time you listen to more frequently, and for bigger things, and it still keeps you on track.
I’m often described as down to earth by clients and colleagues and realise it’s not just that I speak my truth but that the truth resonates for them.
Saying it as it is would never be heralded as a positive if that saying was frequently inaccurate, impractical, or ineffective.
By listening to my intuition the truth of my words help others to get back or keep on track.
Other I's might include: Inspiration, Intention and Imagination..... (do leave suggestions for all letters in the comments and I'll add them to the post so we all have a thorough list to choose from.)
This gift is about not hiding your JOY behind all those musts, oughts & shoulds - especially in business.
In a guest interview in December 21 with?Kelly Barner?for?Una?(in partnership with?Art of Procurement) I shared my tip for being a business or sourcing hero - being yourself. (See?#sourcinghero.)
When asked if I thought it was difficult to do I said it was easier to do than waste energy and headspace in trying to shoehorn ourselves into some stereotype or archetype we think we should act like.
The constant checking that we’re doing the correct thing not only stops us from doing the right thing. It also dampens our enthusiasm and joy for life.
How great is it that the world, and our organisations, actually (and only) needs the one thing we’re all GREAT at being - ourselves.
How can you let a little more of your joy shine out for the world to see?
Other J's might include: Journaling, Jogging, Judo, Jazz, Joining in and Jokes.
“If that’s the case we’re all doomed” I said in reply to delegates saying there was no room for kindness in procurement.
The belief in the inappropriateness of kindness in organisations is, I’m sad to say, something I’ve heard often during category strategy development or supplier management workshops.
The decision about what gift the letter K was going to stand for, therefore, didn’t take long.
I’ve added ‘kindness to others’ as a gift you can give yourself rather than just a gorgeous gift you can give them because:
Have a kindness filled day.
For more about the science of kindness and why it’s so good for you see?Dr David R Hamilton’s posts, podcast interviews, YouTube interviews, books and so on. I love hearing him speak because he’s authentic and very passionate about his area of expertise.
Other K's might include: Keeping it simple, Kick Boxing and Knitting (I'm laughing at the thought of doing the last two together).
Is the gift listening to yourself or to the other?
One recent personal aha for me was that by telling someone you’re simply going to listen to them you’re giving both of you a gift - the gift for them is that they get to explore their own situation without interruption, the gift to you is that in only listening you’re not having to think of a solution, a clever response nor be distracted by any thoughts about “what do they want me to say”.
Other L's might include: Light, Laughter, Love, Letting go, Lie down, Like-minded souls, Learning and Lambing (which I did one year as shown below).
With approaching deadlines, home working and arthritic knees I find it too easy to simply sit at my desk and not go for a walk.
And yet I know daily movement including hip mobilisations keeps my knees more flexible, and helps with aerobic exercise too.
I know that for me movement and fresh air go together because being out in nature adds even more gifts into the mix.
Other M's might include: Meditation, Mindfulness, Mountains, Massage, Mandalas, Mentors, Music, Me time, Mobilisation, Musicals, Mudras, Mind and Mindset.
What can you do to Notice the Now?
Doing something that brings you into the moment, where you’re focussing without distraction, is one of the five ways of wellbeing developed by the New Economics Foundation. And is something we explore in?Headtorch?training I deliver as part of their team of associates.
Gardening does it for me, jigsaws did it for my dad, others find painting, singing or running helpful.
Anything that stops the preoccupation with the past or the future and allows you to notice the now.
It’s the basis of all mindfulness practices so do search?#mindfulness?if you want to give yourself this gift and don’t know where to start.
In coaching sessions I often quote author and speaker Caroline Myss when she talks of having 100 units of energy available to us every day.
She explains that if we use up some of those units worrying about the past or future it leaves us with less energy for dealing with today.
Other N's might include: Nature, Napping, Nutrition and Nurture.
When asked why he was doing pantomime this year Judge Rob Rinder said he felt there was a “buffet of life” to experience and so why not.
Which is such a great metaphor for the gift of openness - to being open to saying yes when you usually say no, or saying no when you usually say yes.
To exploring the gift of opening your mind, heart and/or soul to the buffet of life.
After what feels like 21 months of closing down and cutting off from that buffet of life I’m Optimistic of what 2022 will bring.
Especially if we are open to the Opportunities and perhaps bring in earlier gifts from the?A to Z gifts of Awareness, Being, Confidence (self-belief), Intuition, Joy (your uniqueness), Listening and Noticing.
What gift will you open?
Other O's might include: Optimism, Observation, Offering help, Objectivity, Oneness, and Opportunities.
and breathe ....
The gift of patience is reflected in a poem I wrote last year, after a break away from all the busyness, which was entitled Chasing The Tide ....
Never ahead
Always behind
Every move forward I take - the tide moves forward too
I run, it runs
Never bridging the gap between where I am and where I want to be
The tide always ahead in the distance
A vision of where I want to be
A promise of what may be
And yet never getting there
Never arriving
Fruitless effort of never ending disappointment.
What the last week’s break from work, from over doing and from over thinking had me realise is .....
In my seeming separateness I fail to remember
I am the water
I am part of that tide
My wave will arrive
Not one tide arriving together
Separate waves arriving exactly on cue
No late
No missing out
Perfect timing
My arrival after one wave and before another
Always on time
Never ahead
Never behind
I am the tide
(If you'd like a PDF of the poem comment below and I'll pop you one over.)
How might patience be a gift you could give yourself today?
Perhaps other examples of nature's patience may resonate more for you such as seeds, sunrise or the seasons. See?#LandscapingYourLife?for hints, tips and tools for using nature as your coach and metaphor for your life.
I talk more about the meaning behind the Chasing the tide poem in episode 5 of my Landscaping Your Life with Alison Smith podcast helping you when you're stuck and don't know what to do to discover solutions currently hidden from view.
Other P's might include: Poetry, Play, Podcast, Pets, Purpose, Passion, Pilates, Plants, Puzzles, or even Plank (this really does it for me - as you'll see in this vlog).
“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it” Albert Einstein
My personal gift for Q is being my quirky self - seeing things from different perspectives and not hiding it nor conforming to business nor procurement stereotypes.
Thankfully much of my work requires me sharing a little (ok a lot) of that quirkiness with my clients - whether that’s:
See?#landscapingyourlife?for more quirky suggestions of how to get back on track when you’re stuck and don’t know what to do.
Other Q's might include: Quiet, Qigong, Quotes, Questions and Quizzes.
"Feels like I need to rest - how frustrating” texted my personal trainer in December after pushing through and overriding his mind’s and body’s many calls to rest over the previous few months after a year he couldn't wait to put behind him.
I can certainly resonate with the fight to hold on that was ever-present for me throughout 2021.
And yet prior to my festive break I could feel my mind and body preparing for the rest I have planned for over the festive holiday.
I’ve felt the loosening of the hold on the busyness, on the urgency and on the overdoing.
My mind had started to look forward to 10 days away from my emails, from LinkedIn and from work.
Just like my personal trainer, and despite your frustration, how might you need to rest today?
And, perhaps more importantly, will you Listen?
And because S was already taken, here Rest was doubling up for Sleep too - such a wonderful tonic and something that has featured often in recent wellbeing and mental health coaching sessions I’ve been doing as an associate for?Headtorch.
Other R's might include: Recharge, Recycle, Reading, Release, Reciprocity, Relationship, Running, Rivers, Repairing, Recycling, Rain,?Reframing, Role model and Respect.
If you listened to your soul today what would it invite you to believe, think, do or be?
Other S's might include: Sleeping, Sewing, Singing, Stretching, Staying In, Support, Supplements, Smudging, Stargazing, Stop, Social, Smell, Slow down, Stillness, Self Awareness, Spirituality, Sunshine, Song, Sound, Smile, Sports, Swimming, Sea, Sunrises and Sunsets.
Tiny Habits
Starting tiny on any new habit increases the chances of success says BJ Fogg in their book Tiny Habits.
Something to remember then when thoughts about setting new year’s resolutions emerge.
Setting yourself up to succeed in the early days means you’re much more likely to continue and expand on the new habit over time.
Starting tiny is one key.
Finding the perfect time to do the daily habit is another (i.e adding it onto?a habit you have already mastered.)
My personal favourite key to success is celebration.
There’s a list of 100 suggestions about how to celebrate in the book.
The idea being if you celebrate well, even if after completing only one minute of a new habit, you’re much more likely to repeat the habit again as you desire the feel-good hormones celebrating gives you.
How do you celebrate your tiny successes?
Other T's might include: Triathlons, Touch, Trust, Theatre, Talking, TED talks, Taking a break, Therapist, Tennis, Tai Chi, Travel, Time out, Turn off electronics and Taste.
If there was one gift I would wish for everyone I think it would be this - Ubuntu.
Ubuntu has a variety of definitions.
The one that resonates the most for me is about making our humanity available to others.
I am who I am because of who we all are.
I’m not self-made, I don’t do it alone, nor only for me.
I only succeed because of and for others because there is a “we”.
Other words associated with Ubuntu include community, empathy, and being part of the whole.
Ubuntu is NOT about judgement, separation, nor “all about me”.
How might you give yourself the gift of Ubuntu today?
Other U's might include: Us time, Universe and Understanding.
Vision & Values
Once I linked my vision, of writing a book, to my values, of making a difference and helping people get back on track, I started making progress with writing and getting Can’t see the wood for the trees* published.
It’s because it’s your values that motivate your actions.
Clearly showing the link between your vision, therefore, and how it will help you achieve a value will increase the likelihood of you taking action.
Whether that’s a lifetime vision of world peace, or a short term vision of getting the presents wrapped.
Asking “what’s important to me to wrap the presents”, and then asking the same question of the answer you get, and asking it again until there isn’t a different answer will help you find out the value that’s inspiring the vision.
Consciously being aware of this why will help motivate your action.
Why not try it for yourself?
Think of something you’re procrastinating about, and ask why completing it is important. You may just find the energy and motivation to complete the task - and how fabulous would that be?
Or you realise it’s not important to do immediately, and add it to your to-do list for later in 2022 instead.
Or even cross it off the list altogether.
My book * Can’t see the wood for the trees - landscaping your life to get back on track is full of hints, tips and tools to help you get unstuck. It’s available from all online book stockists.
Other V's might include: Vegetables (growing or eating them), Visualising, Volunteering, Vision, Values and Vacation.
Wellbeing so often feels like it’s an unintended outcome of what we do rather than being an outcome in its own right.
And even when considered it’s often a means to an end.
I know I’ve certainly thrown everything including the kitchen sink at my mind & body over the last 21 months without too much thought about its impact - or, perhaps more truthfully, without always acting on the thought and walking the talk.
That’s why during December and January I’ve been focusing on everything I’ve shared in?this A to Z and giving my wellbeing some tender loving care.
(I’m now thinking it was my sneaky inner wisdom that suggested the topic for the advent series of posts in the first place - knowing by the time I got to the end it would have started to inspire new thinking and acting.)
What gift can you give your wellbeing today?
Other W's might include: Writing, Water, Walking, Weights,?Work from home/ in the office, Wellbeing, Wildlife and Woods.
Starting off any conversation 'being friendly to strangers' rather than fearful of them is guaranteed to reduce the stress you're feeling.
During the Advent series of posts though X stood for Xmas cheer (or not) and the words I shared then feel deserving to be restated here and said:
It’s ok not to feel cheerful at this time of year, and the final gift is for that to be ok.
To let yourself off the hook by not putting the mask on and disguising your emotions.
To not further drain your energy trying to maintain the mask.
Because that energy could be better utilised to support your wellbeing.
What I’ve learnt as I’ve written these posts is that our humanity deserves honouring.
Humanity is messy - we have good days and we have bad days - we all do - 100% of us.
Just like I allowed the Advent series of posts to end in a fizzle rather than a sparkle, if that’s how you’re feeling, why not honour the fizzle.
Saying yes instead of no can be so enlightening - it's one of the lessons I learnt when doing something different every day for 28 days the first time when I realised how often I said no and the negative impact that was having on many of my personal and work relationships.
The gift you could give yourself might just be the opposite of course - you might need to say no more! Other Y's might include: Yoga, Yummy, Yell and Yippee.
Zag not Zig
As Einstein never actually said "don't keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result."
When you usually zig why not try zagging and notice what you notice.
Some time ago I developed a list of A to Z ZIGs that Inhibit your growth and ZAGs that Accelerate your growth for a session I was facilitating for the Scottish Institute for business leaders (SIBL). Many of which have been included in this list.
Other Z's might include: Zen, Zestful and Zone out.
What gift will you give yourself today?
You may also want to write a list of things you do that you know don't support your wellbeing so you can stop doing them which might include any of the following.
Although as my poem What is normal says "My normal isn't your normal, yours isn't mine, It isn't today, never was and will never be" so don't worry if something on my list of things to do ends up on your list of things not to do eg running stresses me so would never be on my prescription for wellbeing but may very well be on yours.
Suggestions to stop doing: Assumptions, Blaming, Can'ting, Drama, Ego, Fighting, Gossiping, Hoarding, Ignoring, Judgement, Know it all, Limiting, Multitasking, Negativity, Overworking, Passivity, Quo (status), Resentment, Shoulding, Them (vs us), Unwilling, Victim thinking, Worry, Xenophobic, Yawning, Zigging.
You can get a copy of the prescription for wellbeing here.
If you'd like your team to develop their own prescriptions for their wellbeing, and/or also learn problem solving tools they can use when they're stressed do get in touch [email protected] +44(0)7770 538159.
You can sign up for my free introduction to Solving problems when stressed workshop taking place on the 1st March at 1500 GMT as part of the #IlluminatingLeadership Festival.
To get regular hints, tips, tools, insights and updates about what I'm up to you can also sign up for my newsletter.
Series two of my Landscaping Your life podcast starting in February 22 will be focusing on Problem solving when stressed sharing tools that can also help reduce stress and improve wellbeing if the stress is directly related to the lack of knowing what to do in the current situation.
Take care, and look after yourself.
Alison xx
Helping You See the Wood for the Trees: Creative Coaching Using Nature & Metaphor | Speaker | Author | Creative Facilitator | 24+ Years of Inspiring Change #LandscapingYourLife #Nature #PoeticInsight
3 年#prescriptionforwellbeing
Helping You See the Wood for the Trees: Creative Coaching Using Nature & Metaphor | Speaker | Author | Creative Facilitator | 24+ Years of Inspiring Change #LandscapingYourLife #Nature #PoeticInsight
3 年Action for Happiness you may like
Helping You See the Wood for the Trees: Creative Coaching Using Nature & Metaphor | Speaker | Author | Creative Facilitator | 24+ Years of Inspiring Change #LandscapingYourLife #Nature #PoeticInsight
3 年I've updated the post to include a link to the prescription for wellbeing template (see end of post)
Helping You See the Wood for the Trees: Creative Coaching Using Nature & Metaphor | Speaker | Author | Creative Facilitator | 24+ Years of Inspiring Change #LandscapingYourLife #Nature #PoeticInsight
3 年Today's post takes this list and adds other suggestions - what would you add to the list of activities that support you wellbeing??https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/alisonsmitheu_wellbeing-mentalhealth-health-activity-6892743049894535168-DT8T
Helping You See the Wood for the Trees: Creative Coaching Using Nature & Metaphor | Speaker | Author | Creative Facilitator | 24+ Years of Inspiring Change #LandscapingYourLife #Nature #PoeticInsight
3 年Julie Banks lambing makes it into my list x