Whats your #PhoneLifeBalance ??
Anurag Singal
Valuation | CAJobPortal.com | IIM Ahmedabad MBA, CA (AIR-22) | Independent Director l Visiting Faculty - IIMs, XLRI, MU l 3 x TEDx l YouTuber l Career Mentor
Some startling facts: -
- 86% Indians check their phones repeatedly without anything changing
- 45% Indians find it easier to stay away from their families for a week than their phones
- 58% Indians use their phones while they are using the toilet
- 70% Indians get onto their phones, even before getting out of bed
In corporate life, isn't it irritating when in the midst of a meeting where you are trying hard to convey your point across the table, you find the other person lost in his/her phone
How many of us actually consumed a substantial part of our Diwali day sending GIFs on Whatsapp/Facebook instead of spending the same in real time with our family
You were "absent present" amongst your near and dear ones; just like you are when you return home at 8 o'clock and your kid clamours for your undivided attention, but you get irritated because you are split between the real and the virtual world
Technology has stealthed into our romantic relationships as well, where your life partner is prefers his/her cell phone instead of having a conversation with you, even in the sleeping room
“Essentially, what we are saying is that you don’t matter. It touches at our core.”
Phubbing, a combination of phone and snub, coined by Prof. James A. Roberts, occurs when someone chooses to play with an app, text or take a phone call instead of paying attention to a person. Obviously this leads to stress and anxiety for all stakeholders
Yes, #Phone Life Balance has been brought into sharp focus by Motorola through its campaign across universities and social media. For instance, you can take the quiz on whether you own your phone or your phone owns you https://phonelifebalance.motorola.com/#/.
So I urge the ones in the People Management function at companies to intervene to have better #Phone Life Balance
Maybe, you could restrict data packs limits :), ask people to leave their smartphones in a locker during meetings, set up technology free time zones during evenings, raise awareness for a better phone-life balance, push for a migration from virtual communications to real conversations etc. All this and more could help your employees use their smartphones mindfully and not mindlessly.