What's your origin story - and why should you share it?
Joan Adams
FAST PROFITS for £500k to £10m service businesses | Proven 5 step program delivers ??HIGHER profits ??a PROFITABLE life ??get there FAST | Award Winning Accountant / Fractional CFO / Founder Adams O'Rourke ??
What’s your story?
We communicate PASSION through?Origin, Mission, Vision.?When we align these 3 things, people feel your sense of passion & you feel it too.?The I'm doing what I'm meant to be doing feeling.
If we met for coffee and I didn’t know a thing about your business, and I asked the question, “what’s your backstory?” this is what I’m wanting to hear about…
Let’s backtrack for a moment.?If I’m a potential client, I’ve already got a pretty good idea that you can solve my problem before we even get to the stage of a conversation or a meeting.?Google reviews and warm referrals get me to that point.?What I’m interested in is, why should I choose to invest my time, resource, and energy into working with you above others on my shortlist?
Why should you share it?
Your origin story helps me the client, understand quicker, and at a deeper relational level, whether we will be a good fit for each other.?It’s the story of how a company was started, including the ideas, experiences, and events that led to its creation.
You’ll share details about your original motivations, the challenges you faced, and how you overcame them to create a successful business.??If your story is authentic, it will sing into the company’s mission, vision and values and can be told with passion.?I love to invite clients to share or retell their origin story with me as it’s always a powerful conversation.?The business owner lights up with the positive energy that comes from revisiting the space where their original motivations were born.
Mission, Vision & Values
Your origin story is the golden thread that weaves seamlessly through these key pillars of?mission,?vision, and?values?for your business.?It also unpacks your?WHY?and illuminates for yourself and others WHY your passionate about what you do.
Beyond this, your origin story is a key tool for communicating the identity of your business, connecting relationally with clients, and creating a sense of purpose and direction for your company and its employees.
Essentially, it is a powerful tool for clarifying identity, connecting with customers, and differentiating your business in a crowded market.
So I encourage you, if you hadn’t realised the power of your origin story before, or haven’t revisited it in a while, reflect on it, capture it and share it.
Looking for some initial inspiration, here’s my origin story…
My Origin Story...
When I was young, I was always the kid who always wanted to play monopoly, and even when I did, I had to be the banker.?I just loved it.?The feeling of the money, playing the strategy game, and seeing from a young age that the only way to win was if you acquired assets (remember those hotels?!)
It seem daft now, but when most of my friends didn’t have a clue what subjects to choose at school, or how to answer the question, “what do you want to be?”.?I was always really clear that I wanted to be an accountant.?Even before I knew what one really was.
That’s a powerful, positive early memory for me.
In parallel to this, I also recall how often money could be a real cause of distress at home.?Don’t get me wrong, we had a nice car and good holidays, but I remember too many occasions when adults would be arguing and a lot of the time it revolved around money.
There was one particular moment, probably aged 13-14 when I was feeling pretty down.?I was wondering why it was like this for us??Especially, when we had so many family friends running their own businesses, seeming to be winning at life.?That’s when it happened, that’s when I had my...
Breakthrough moment.
It’s as vivid to recall now as it was then.?I was sitting in the garden at home, away from the yelling telling myself, “Joan, you’re going to be alright.?This might be happening now but you’re not going to let it happen to you.?You’re going to focus, work hard to be an accountant and never have to rely on anyone else financially again.”?That was it.?From that point, the penny dropped, decision made.?I had to ride the tide between then and reaching my goal, but I was sure it was my pathway to no more stress, no more arguments.?This was how I get to feel I’m in control.
It sounds crazy doesn’t it, to having those thoughts at such a young age, but it happened.?It was an actual moment.?From then on, I chose the subjects at school that made sense.
Focussing on my goal
At one point, I really surpassed myself studying law and nearly jumped ship to the legal side, but the pull of finance stayed in me.?And when deciding on where to study for my Accountancy degree, I chose the course that had the most exemptions from the Chartered exams to come later.?I was focussed on my goal, and I wanted to achieve it fast.
Even when it came to deciding what type of accountant I wanted to be (who knew there was a choice), I was clear that I wanted to work as part of a team, to be close to a product or service and make a difference.?To use the language of business to help people make better decisions.
There was only one route for me, I had to work in industry.?The thought of working in audit made me wince (sorry to my beautiful audit friends).?My LinkedIn profile shows you how blessed I was to work in two of the greatest companies on the planet (I’ll be forever grateful).
To this day I love working with numbers to be a force for good.?Growing our family was the point at which I stepped out of industry and set up my own accountancy practice.
Building my SME
On this journey through practice after industry, I’ve learned how being a business owner can facilitate work life balance when you have a young family.?Building an SME has allowed me to be financially strong and independent.?I also saw the difference between the resources FMCG’s have access to, versus the support available to our beautiful SME economy.
If only I could build a business that didn’t just tick the compliance boxes for a business owner, but actually partner with them and use financial insights to help them grow, thrive, be successful and love their business too.?So I set out to do exactly that.
For me, it’s a magical thing to see business owners achieve sustainable, profitable businesses.?Where they can feel happy, empowered, and rewarded by their business for the time, effort, and talent they put into it.?That’s why I do what I do, every day is another opportunity to unlock business potential.
Asa practice, we do this by saving people tax, time and reap the lifestyle rewards of business ownership.?And the way we work is underpinned by these values.
Our ultimate vision
...is to be the go-to partner for business owners who want to unlock their full potential, achieve their desired lifestyle, and create lasting impact in the world.?We are committed to deliver excellence, embracing innovation, and empowering our clients to succeed on their own terms.
Reflecting on my own origin story reignites the passion for my business and encourages me to see how far we've come.?
There are some things that will never change though,... like?asking me to split the bill between friends on a girls night out…. they know not to ask me to do this anymore!
What’s your origin story and why should you share it?
FAST PROFITS for £500k to £10m service businesses | Proven 5 step program delivers ??HIGHER profits ??a PROFITABLE life ??get there FAST | Award Winning Accountant / Fractional CFO / Founder Adams O'Rourke ??
1 年Hi Mark, I think it was our Power Hour session last year that nailed it for me. Big thanks ????
Helping accounting firms make positive impact to change lives for the better. Business Coach, NLP Practitioner, Yoga Therapist
1 年You little ripper!!!! Bloody love this and thank you for being that raw, vulnerable, and beautiful. I had a little smile as I read this; as I recall you sharing that story and emotion when we met 3 years back. It's just as powerful to read as it is to hear! Your passion to help the beautiful SMEs of the UK with your background to give them access to your smarts but more importantly your passion and energy to work alongside them to help them succeed means ANY SME in your area or across the UK is going to be lifted up by a lady who really does have the big business chops and knows- how to help them get to their version of success. As importantly, she has the heart and her core to guide them and cheer them even when they may doubt themselves and think that the ambitions they have are 'not what businesses/people like them do.' Go on Joanie! Love every minute of riding alongside you and supporting you to make this happen for yourself and for your clients!
Co founder of the TAG Community
1 年1) I was born and educated in my formative years in a third World county 2) I am dyslexic 3) I came from working class and Romanian Gypsy roots and have built and sold several business because it’s fun.