What's Your Motive for Connecting?

What's Your Motive for Connecting?

A recent comment to a post got me thinking about the motives behind connecting with someone on LinkedIn. What are you motives and are they working for you?

The comment went something like this ... "Your post got my attention, BUT I would only connect with you because you are a professional athlete which will draw attention to my profile, however I would never do business with you!" WHAT? The EGO and ARROGANCE in this comment, WOW. How would this comment make you feel?

Well, what was the post about you ask. The post was about responding to a new connection when they send you a "thank you" after the connection is created and how many of us don't respond. And truth be told, how many of us don't respond for fear the next message will be "the pitch." So, after I picked my jaw up off the floor, I took a step back and asked myself, what is my motivation for connecting on LinkedIn? And, I ask you to evaluate what is yours? Personally, I receive many invitations to be pitched or as of late to be, well "hit on."

LinkedIn is an amazing platform for professional marketing, advertising and networking. The capabilities of LinkedIn are exponential especially when your purpose is to grow professionally in your career or in your own business venture.

I invite you to ask yourself these questions....

  1. Why are you trying to connect with this person? Your motivation?
  2. Are you connecting for the sake of "connecting" (it's all about numbers) or are you connecting with intention (it's all about quality)?
  3. How are you inviting and connecting with your audience? Beyond just clicking "connect."
  4. Are you inviting with authenticity and integrity?
  5. Would you want to be connected with you?
  6. Are you just a LinkedIn Commercial?

I encourage you to connect authentically, invite with transparency and be clear with your motives. If you are about marketing and advertising, SAY IT! If you are networking to grow professionally and personally, SAY IT. If you want someone to buy your product or join your business, SAY IT! People are very busy personally and professionally. Honor that and honor them and you will be amazed at the response you receive! Go GROW!

Katie G.


