What’s on Your Mind? Is It IN Your Mind As Well?
A. Lynn Jesus Fuson
Transformational Success, Leadership, and Business Solutions Expert and Speaker
Tis the time of year for goal making. Folks are spending quite a bit of time thinking about the new year and what they would like to accomplish.
But what is really on your mind?
Have you thought in general terms of what you are looking to achieve in 2015?
And is that enough? The short answer in NO!
I have spoken with quite a few folks who tell me they have listed their goals. Then in the next breath they speak of the frustrations, trials and tribulations they are feeling. They talk about the thing that just happened “like always” or who did the “same ol’ thing” to them at work. Sometimes they even tell me how they’ll get to work on the goals… later… once family leaves… once kids are back to school and back in a routine… once they’ve ‘recovered’ from the holidays … once their big project is done.
I know what is on their mind! But what is IN their mind? It certainly isn’t their new goals.
Our mind can work on a dual track. And it is not always to our advantage.
From the conversations mentioned earlier I can tell that these people have thought about their goals with their conscious mind. They may have even written them down. They may even have posted them where they can see them.
But the other (more plentiful) points of the conversation tell me that they are in a rut in their subconscious mind. They are subconsciously thinking about the wrongs done to them, or how things always happen to them, etc. What they are forgetting or missing is that the subconscious mind is where the seed of action is planted.
Progress will not be made if negative thoughts are pervading one’s mind. The tricky thing is that these negative thoughts have become such habit that they aren’t even noticed anymore.
Think I am off the mark? Have you ever made a list and purposely put it somewhere where you would see it every day? How long was it before that list actually disappeared from your sight? Can you even remember what is on it when you are not standing right there in front of it? Too often, that list fades into the background. We look at the fridge, or in the bathroom mirror, and we don’t even realize the list is there.
Just general thinking about your goals won’t cut it. Your thoughts must drive deep. They must be planted IN your subconscious. This is where the magic happens. Also, by purposefully planting and tending what is going in your subconscious, you can eliminate those negative thoughts that keep you in a rut.
Tips for purposefully planting seeds of action:
- Definitely create the list, intention or affirmation you want to follow. And do post it in a conspicuous place.
- Create a secondary ‘alarm’ to jostle you out of auto-pilot. If you know you shower at a specific time, set an alarm on your phone reminding you to read your post that is right there on the mirror.
- Create a daily habit of stopping whatever task you are doing and reading your post.
- Include reading your post in your to do list for the day. If you want to make sure and look at your post twice a day – right it in twice on your to do list.
- Test yourself throughout the day. What comes easier to your mind? Are you thinking more about your post, or the negativity around what someone did or what sabotage just keeps happening. If it’s the latter don’t beat yourself up about it – just start thinking about your post. Change your thought right them and there!
Our society lives on auto-pilot. It will take conscious effort to shake that behavior. And it will take repeated reminding of our goals, intention or affirmation to keep it in the forefront of your mind and active in your actions.
The bottom line is what is on and in your mind? Is it thoughts that feed a negative cycle or thoughts that feed inspiration and action to achieve what you want? Hopefully as the year progresses it will regularly be the latter.