"What's your mark?"
Debra Ryan
Design Manager at Modieus / Expert in commercial flooring solutions / Trend and colour forecasting
Modieus' latest body of work started from a series of experiments, creating a mark. Leaving your mark. Makers Mark.
This collection is about being different not following trends, however creating a story for the eye. We've always had the ethos "carpet is art". It's often the first point of design for a project. So why not be bold and create the conversation with your interiors.
Makers Mark is created using shapes that are formed of their own volition that don’t follow paradigm formulations using paintings, college and drawings. Further manipulated digitally to achieve an immersive and interactive art experience, collection of rugs.
Recontextualized collage as Pavel Zoubok created and expressionism from Paul Klee. We each have or own trait that we leave behind for others to engage themselves in. Each rug comes with its own statement. Subtle, washed colours and movements to brave and intense, eye catching starkness.
Next time you step out, look around for inspiration. For your mark. Or even better, leave your mark.