What’s your leadership style ?
Source : Digital Image :https://assets.asana.biz/ inline-leadership-leadership-styles.

What’s your leadership style ?

Leadership is an action , not a position.

Donald McGannon

What’s your leadership style ?

There are many types of leadership styles , the narrative spades 2 of the most rooted personality types :

Authoritative in nature Transactional leadership has very clear indicatives of needs to demand as an output of expectation from your team or?subordinate at your work place, ecosystem or negotiating work in general these managers and leaders are very clear minded as their thinking patterns reflects in their personality on rewarding on performance and punitive when the heads are on the wall, interestingly these leaders are excellent in number crunching, self-motivated , have an innate ability to be on top of their game and have a certain sense of urgency in their work attire. These personality types are ideally suited for companies where the budgets are very tight and the only way of survival is performance that generates revenue. These managers mostly come from the sales genre and exhibit high engagement in putting trust in people to perform and believe in creating change by being?key performer themselves as they set very high standard for themselves. The downside being aggressive in approach mostly comes across as being ruthless which in times of social equality demoralises the harmony of the working peers.

Purpose driven role model who can influence change with their magnetism and charm are transformational leaders, they are mind magicians and hold the organisation and the team in inspiring them with managing the key emotions of their team traps , They create followers as they give individual attention to each team members needs and demands and adds value to their work , generally people friendly , socially well curated and very charismatic in their approach sets them apart when it comes to managing conflicts and transitions in the organisation for growth and prosperity , these clamour come usually from service and operations back ground and take a sense of pride in being able to understand the value system of the company. Managers from these sects usually have a high sense of creativity and possess vast intellect from their personal ?learning and experiences. They are very good mentors by attribute. Down side sometimes creates challenges for themselves as expectation from the team and peers are always high towards them putting lot of stress in managing work life balance.

What’s your type ????

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