What's your #Klout score?

What's your #Klout score?

"Measuring Influence since 2008" is the grandiose claim on the Klout website that is supposed to entice people to check a score from 1 to 100 on how their engagement on social media impacts on their peers.

Marketing and advertising has always been a strange world unto itself, with bizarre slang and rituals designed to make the very obvious appear sophisticated. Like everything else, though, marketing is moving quickly online, and with it comes a troop of self-appointed social media marketing experts who’ve declared themselves in possession of the secrets that can help the uninitiated navigate these choppy digital waters.

You’ve seen these people. They appear unannounced and uninvited on your timeline or newsfeed or comment thread. They follow you on Twitter and then unfollow you if you don’t return the compliment. They have avatar biographies such as "social media guru", "expert", "connecter", "super-connector", "socmed strategist", etc. They post about "reach", "engagement" and "content". They have impossible Twitter statistics: 100k followers, following 99k; and yet you’ve never heard of them. They add a hashtag #next #to #every #word #no #matter #how #trivial because it might extend a post’s reach.

One offshoot of this movement is a group known as the "Klout70". You remember Klout. A few years ago it was the thing – everyone was trying to work out what their Klout score was, as it was supposedly a numeric measure of your social influence. Anyway, one enterprising group have decided that, to be a real social media marketing specialist, you need a Klout score of 70.

Someone called Thomas Power came up with this idea. Power explained to me over the phone that "just like you need 70 per cent to get a first class university degree, you need Klout70 to show you’re first class on social media". And so he set up a Whatsapp group full of people who either have or want to get to the magic number.

Thomas, who’s been in tech for 20 years in one way or another, trains people on how to use social media. And this network of Klout70 are trainers that he trusts to be able to deliver the goods. "I need a network of trainers," he says. "I only want to outsource work to trainers who are over 70. I can trust people to deliver if they have a Klout of over 70." There are, he reckons, at least a couple of hundred of these people. "Social media training is an emerging industry."

Its chief protagonists are taking it seriously. Thomas sent me a document, which several of this WhatApp group have crowd-written. It’s called "Up Yer Klout". UYK provides expert advice about how to get to 70: connect your networks. Join lists. Download this or that app. Share personal stories. Pages of this stuff there is! "Go from being a consumer – search, find, read, think, and talk – to a sharer: find and share, read and share, think and share, talk-jot and share." Get involved in hashtags. If you’ve a Klout of 40 set up a Facebook group, if you’ve a Klout of 60 you’ll need to engage with already influential users. "Write a great book" because "people respect authors of good books esp in print."

UYK ranges impressively from the absurdly precise ("71 per cent of your content should be the topics you want to be known for; 29 per cent is what you enjoy") to the utterly indecipherable ("the new new is the now now"). As far as I can understand it, a synthesis of all this insight is: tweet / post / share a lot; and make sure tweets / posts are good.

But I suppose what really matters is whether anything these experts say is correct or helpful or insightful. The underlying belief of Klout70 is that social influence matters. The general principle – that social proofing matters, that networks of people matter – is undeniable. It’s been documented by academics like Granovetter or Cialdini for years. But for Klout70, of course, the claim is more specific. You need that 70 score to be first class. So the real question is whether an arbitrary score on a made-up metric, approximates in any meaningful sense to actual social influence.

Is Klout really a decent measure of online influence? Thomas Power scores an impressive 78. That makes him considerably more socially influential online than Telegraph journalist and Spectator editor Fraser Nelson(69), or his deputy Isabel Hardman (68) or Sunday Times Political EditorTim Shipman (64), or Helen Lewis of the New Statesman (71) or the influential centre left think tank IPPR (61) or influential centre right think tank Policy Exchange (63). Interestingly, Thomas Power has more Klout than the two founders of Klout. Thomas agrees it's not the be all and end all: "Yes, it’s an imperfect measure. But it’s the only measure we have at the moment. That's why I use it."

 In an important way, though, he’s right, because people appear to think it matters. John Stuart Mill once remarked that it doesn’t matter if you’re influential: what matters is that people think you are. Companies are willing to pay hand over fist for UYK insight. Some of these high Klouters get paid for speaking or advising companies about "doing social". Thomas told me that he can earn £500 an hour by training top CEOs "how to use Twitter" and how to set up decent LinkedIn accounts. Seemed to me like an awful lot to pay for what is, fundamentally, very simple.

Is this obvious? I ask Thomas. "Everything is obvious when you know it. And most directors don’t know how to use LinkedIn," he replies. He’s probably right. However they are doing it, Klout70 have made this into a going concern, which is impressive in a uniquely depressing sort of way. Thomas estimates that his group has trained over 10,000 people over the last few years.

After I’d spoken to Thomas, a strange thing happened. He put the word out somehow that I was writing about this, and I received some unsolicited messages on Twitter from people who seemed to be Klout70.

I guess these people thought I would be impressed with all their connectivityness, but I felt a bit under siege.

I asked Thomas if he didn’t find all this a bit tiring: he said it can be, yes, but it's his job. He’s posted an eye watering 147,000 tweets – and then there are all the other platforms he also has to manage.

I can't help thinking this must be exhausting. Yet I have the feeling none of them can stop, even for a day, since their Klout score – and perhaps their livelihood – depends on the relentless sharing and posting. "Content" and "engagement" are their ball and chain, 18 hours a day (24 if you set up an autobot to tweet while you're asleep to hit other timezones).

But my sympathy was tempered by the following thought: Klout70 are the vanguards for a world in which every social interaction is calculated, measured, managed, valued, gamed, shared and monetised. I find all this social media marketing business unusually frustrating. I realised why: because it’s a mutated reflection of all of us sharing, tweeting, posting, opinising endlessly. The only difference is that Klout70 have made it professional.

via : https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/twitter/11503870/Whats-your-Klout-score-Inside-the-NathanBarley-world-of-the-social-media-gurus.html


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