Phyllis Sisenwine, MCC
Phylllis Sisenwine The Lawyers Coach Want to be more productive and profitable ? Book a free consultation.
I am a firm believer in positive self-talk. I believe your thoughts create your actions and your actions create your results. Very often after giving a motivational speech about positive self-talk, I give out a door prize. As the audience members are putting their business cards in the basket being passed around, they are saying, “I never win anything”. I laugh because I have just spent an hour speaking about how your thoughts create your reality.
Several years ago I went to a dinner meeting from an organization. I was attracted to the event, because it was being held at a golf course. The organization offered a beginner’s golf clinic followed by a dinner. I had been wanting to learn to play golf and took a few lessons that year. Well, I went to the clinic, which I enjoyed, and then to the dinner. Several people in attendance were not interested in golf ,but went for the networking and to support the organization.
At the dinner, they announced that there would be three door prizes. One was a video of a golf conditioning program, which they were selling for $25.00 and two books for beginner golfers signed by the author and valued at $10.95 each. I considered buying the book but decided to wait to see if I won. Sure enough when the basket was passed around for business cards to win the prizes several people said, “I never win anything.” I said to myself, “I often win, and I expect to win one of the three prizes.” Well, the first prize was the video and a woman sitting next to me won. Two other people at different tables won the books. I was a little disappointed as I was hoping to win one of the prizes. As the evening ended and we were getting ready to leave, the woman next to me said “I’ll never watch this video, so here please take it.” I was thrilled and appreciative. Then another surprise, a woman from the next table who won a book came over to me and said she really wasn’t interested in golf and would I like the book. I gladly accepted and started laughing. My intention was to win a prize. Even though my name was not picked from the basket, I walked away with two door prizes. I put my attention on my intention and look at the results.
What results do you want? What do you want to see happen in your business? Are you so busy doing your daily activities that you’ve lost sight of your vision? On a daily or at least a weekly basis think about what you want. Be very clear and state your goals. So often I hear, “This is going to be a tough year” or “This month is really going to be rough”. These statements only serve to drag us down. They drain us of energy. I spoke to someone today who said he always worries. He’s labeled himself a worrier. When he says “I’m worried about my son” or “I’m worried about keeping that new account I just got” it only serves to drain him of energy.
On a scale of one to ten with ten being a successful attainment of a goal, if you are currently at a five, your statements either move you closer to a ten or slide you back to a two or three. Where do you want to be? In addition to positive statements, of course, you must take action. But your positive statements are the fuel that moves you forward and closer to the success that you want both personally and professionally.
As a manager, what are you doing to motivate your staff? Are you showing encouragement and appreciation? By encouraging and praising positive attitudes the environment will be much more productive. One of the best ways to increase sales and income is to empower your staff to act and to talk about the positive results they are working towards. Negativity spreads throughout an organization and causes a tremendous lack of enthusiasm among the staff.
So, what prize do you want to win this month? What account do you want to acquire? Think it, say it, and take action towards the success that you want. Put your attention on your intention and it will manifest.
Have a winning month!
Phyllis Sisenwine, The Lawyers Coach