What’s Your Instinctive Reaction – FEAR or LOVE?
Connie P. Milligan
LCSW, Therapist, Transformational Coach, Trainer and Consultant
What’s your instinctive response to people and situations - fear or love? Each create judgement and actions that send you on divergent paths. Know yours to determine if it takes you where you want to go or if change is needed. ?
This came to me after I made a post about a puppy needing to be rehomed. I was surprised by the negative comments about not trusting people’s intentions and interests in the dog. It didn’t occur to me, I trusted that the right person would arrive for the puppy, and of course, she did. I stopped myself from battling those fear-based judgments.
I feel the need to address this. See what you think.
Fear based thinking thrives on divisiveness, like a disease feeding on your soul. People can’t be trusted, intentions are driven by profit or evil and you need to guard from being taken advantage of and duped in the process.
Love assumes that people are driven by positive intentions, and you can discern when it is present or not. It allows you to join and connect with people, intuitively knowing what is true. ?
Fear prepares you for battle, it sets up a competitive, right vs wrong dynamic, that requires you to hold people at arm’s length in judgement. Suspicion and negative assumptions keep real connections from happening.
Love prepares you for understanding, compassion, connection and discernment. By coming in closer, you can distinguish the truth of a person and situation to make wise decisions.
You choose your perspective, fear vs. love, based on previous experience and upbringing. It prompts you to start in one camp vs. the other. But being flexible to know which one is indicated tests your ability to exercise discernment, so you’re not stuck with a fixed lens. It’s the rigidity of response that causes problems.
I start with a love-based perspective, trusting my intuition, experience and discernment to know when not to trust. With an automatic fear-based response, notice how it can close your intuition and discernment, replacing it with reactivity and negativity.
What’s yours? If you’d like to explore your fear vs love response –- reach out!