What's your exit strategy?
Like getting off a boat, a strategy for exit from a company is essential. After all why have you spent your valuable time creating and building a business if not to benefit from it at some point in the future.
Most business owners will have devised some strategy to maximise the value of their business when the time comes to exit. But what if you can't control your exit or if there is more than one owner that of your co owners/shareholders. What then?
I've been working with a number of business owners who's long term strategy is to sell the business and retire. With all the changes to pension rules for how much can be paid by high earners and changes to dividend taxation this seems like a legitimate choice. They are in their mid 40's after all, so have time on their side.
That is until I inform them that there is a 41% chance that 1 of the 3 shareholders will die before they reach age 70 (source: Prudential). As we know most of us can not dictate when or how we die, but we can control what happens to our shares in a business if we do? Most will pass to the deceased persons beneficiaries through the will or if no will is in place the estate. But, have you checked that this is allowed in the companies articles of association? I'm no lawyer but this is an area where specific legal advice is required!
Even when the shares do pass to an estate, do the beneficiaries want shares in a business that they may know little or nothing about? or, would they prefer a cash sum?
On the flip side, do the remaining shareholders want a new shareholder coming into the business who has little or no experience of the business?
How do the remaining shareholders buy the shares? what facility is in place and how might this impact the cash flow of the business?
What will the uncertainty do to the value of the business?
What if the person who died is the only shareholder?
Will the business have a value?
So when planning your exit strategy don't forget to speak to your financial adviser about the options available to you should the unfortunate happen or even if you suffer a serious illness. You might be surprised how much your business could be worth and how business protection insurance works to protect both your family and your business. We hope we never have to use it but someone, somewhere might be glad you had it!
I am a financial adviser who specialises in advice to business of all sizes on risk and benefits. This article is not designed to offer advice and before purchasing any insurance or financial product you should speak with a qualified financial adviser.