What's Your Excuse?
Many of the habits we have that have a negative impact on our digital wellbeing can be changed. Yet often we don't.
One of the reasons for this is excuses. Here's a few of the ones I've had when delivering digital wellbeing sessions:
I could go on!!
Next time you find yourself using one of these or another excuse for being on devices for longer than is good for you, I want you to think of a solution for them.
For example, 'I use my phone as my alarm clock, so I'll keep my phone the other side of the room and get up to switch it off. This will stop me scrolling in bed at night and in the morning'.
'I don't want to miss potential business, so I'll check my emails every hour rather than having notifications turned on.'
And so on!
What excuses are you telling yourself about your digital use?
How To Improve Your Focus and Attention
We are in an attention crisis, with many of us experiencing a decline in our attention span. Digital devices are definitely playing a role in this.
In this video, I talk through steps you can take to improve your focus and attention:
Free Download: 10 Mistakes Parents Make With Their Child's Smartphone Use
With half term not far away, do you want to make sure your child isn't spending too much time on their phone in their time off?
This guide will definitely help!
What A Turn Off!!
Your Digital Wellbeing Tip of the Week
Make a list of all the reasons you use your digital devices more than you would like to. Next to each reason, I want you to add a solution (a bit like I've done above with the excuses).
Pick one to start with, changing your reason to using it for a solution for using it less.
Once you've mastered that one and changed your habit, move on to the next!
Why I Love To Crochet
I've loved crocheting now for over 10 years!
In this post, I share why I do it to help reduce my phone use and the impact it has on destressing me!
See you next week for more digital wellbeing insights!