What's Your Dream?
Donna McGoff, M.S.
It's my passion to help women break up with the past after divorce by creating a relationship with believing, building, and becoming their vision for the future.
The Time Is Now. Beginning in this moment, make a commitment to apply these words to areas of your life that need a positive change. You know in your heart you want something more. That feeling you have comes from inside--inside is where change needs to begin as solutions are not found outside of ourselves.
Learning to create our lives from the inside out, we will be inspired and motivated to move forward from where we are to where we want to go. Positive change is ours if we are ready for it and will do what it takes to get it. Our hopes and dreams are not out of reach. If we had a flash in our minds of something that we imagine being, doing, or having, there is a part of use that believes it is possible.
What is your dream? What do you really want? Use your imagination and picture it clearly on the screen of your mind. Hold on to that picture. Feel yourself having whatever it is. Feel the emotions. Continually keep that vision and feeling in the forefront of your mind. Eventually, you will begin to ask the question: "What do I have to do to get this."
This creates an awareness and focus. You begin to see opportunities that you weren't conscious of before that may have been right in plain sight. As you visualize it and imagine having it, opportunities and chances for action will present themselves. When you take action, your dream will be on the way to materializing right before your eyes.