What's Your Business Satisfaction Score?
If you are like many business owners, you started your company to do something you enjoyed. Maybe you were a chef looking to start a restaurant, or a doctor who wanted to take care of people, or a marketer who enjoyed the creative challenge of engaging customers with a product.
Along the way, you figured out you also had to do sales, bookkeeping, human resource activities, and a dozen other tasks which take time out of your day and your week.
Unfortunately, as the owner you don't get to have a day is comprised of only things you love doing. At some point, you have to deal with an unhappy employee, preparing paperwork for your accountant, or calling?clients who are behind in their payments to you. You probably don’t look forward to doing these tasks, but they are part of owning a business.
However, If the majority of your day is spent on things that frustrate you, or simply don’t give you joy, you are heading for burnout. You need to recognize the warning signs and reverse course because?life is too short to do things we don’t enjoy most of the time.
Ideally, you should shoot for a 75% satisfaction score. Ok, there is no specific scientific reason for that number. I just feel it is reasonable to enjoy what you do most of the time. So how close are you?
Start?by making a list of how you spend your days. Then divide the tasks into the following categories: Love, Like,?or Dislike. If over the course of the week you spend more than 25% of your time doing things you really dislike, it is time for a few changes. Here are a few options.
How to improve your business owner satisfaction score.
?Take control of your life. Things change, and what was fun 20 years ago, may not be anymore. So look at your business and choose a path which will give you a 75% satisfaction score.