What's In Your Book, Venkat?

What's In Your Book, Venkat?

Hello Writer!

How are you doing? It had been a pretty hectic weekend and start of a new week for me as I had to take of many personal chores and also take care of my writing. But as always, first things first, and one got to do what they got to do, so took care of all of them. That’s the good news.

About LinkedIn Engagement

I am noticing people writing LinkedIn posts in a certain way to get engagement. The theme has been mostly like this:

1.?Give newline spaces between sentences, a lot

2. Use emoticons

3.?Use pictures/selfies

I don’t know if this started a rumour or something that everyone started writing in this style. It may be true and might work sometimes, but think about it. There are so many people in LinkedIn. If everyone starts writing LinkedIn posts in this same fashion, which ones will the algorithm prioritize? Everyone’s writing will be the same way that the algorithm won’t be able to figure out which post/article would stand out. Have you thought about this?

A better idea is to provide value to the reader. If the reader senses the value in your post or article which stands out from others, then they will start religiously following your posts and engage with you. That will beat any algorithm that any social media platform might come up with. Try that!

Settings can make your story better

I have been editing a story, and I didn’t really feel good about the way it was framed. I wanted to change it. I figured that the writing was just fine, but I wanted to try something. If I changed the setting in which a corporate story happens to some other place, for example, change it from a place where a big corporate setting is not there to say a place where it is there, would that improve the story narration? Of course, it did, and I was also motivated to make some changes to the plot to make the story even better. Have you ever experienced this? If yes, please share it in the comments!

“What’s in your book, Venkat?”

Last, but certainly not the least, I got to do a podcast with Communications professional Sharon Dinasha Stephen from Colombo, Sri Lanka. Sharon and I had been interacting in social media for some years now about writing and editing. When I told her that I would like to a podcast with her about me and my book, she happily agreed. So, the podcast happened, and it got published yesterday! You can find the podcast at: https://bit.ly/vr-pod1 ! I would highly encourage you to go through the podcast as it gives some insights into what my upcoming book contains. Also, please let me know of your feedback and comments. Thanks!

That’s about it for now. See you soon!

Best Regards,

Venkat Ramakrishnan.


