What's Your Bogacity Score?
Ted L Ramirez
Practicing Attorney/Author | Corporate Governance and Business Transactions | Counsel and Coach to Leaders, Business Owners and Boards of Directors Dayton, Ohio USA
Tenth in a Series on Governance and Leadership
Governance | What’s Your Bogacity Score???
15 November 2020
For those who own and adore black domestic short hair cats, holidays such as Halloween and Friday the 13th are special events. This last FT13th one such person (whom we shall call “Mr. Catâ€) celebrated over coffee with a colleague (“Paulâ€) of some forty years.
Over that span, they have retained one another to address myriad Governance situations and have, on occasion, teamed up to advise beleaguered leaders and boards gasping and gurgling for pathways forward through the thicket of Organizational sustainability.
At this particular consultation, Paul nearly knocked Mr. Cat off his chair as he gripped his Frozen Chai Latte – No Whip. Out of the blue and not all intending to shake Mr. Cat’s world, Paul casually referred to a “Bogacity Index�? coined by his brilliant spouse of nearly fifty years. Its implications jumped into Mr. Cat’s mind the moment Paul uttered the historic words.
Amidst unseemly laugh cackle and side-splitting laughter (both of which puzzled the wide-eyed, urbane Paul), Mr. Cat explained that at last they had mined pure gold. Not exactly the Holy Grail, but close enough for now: a quick-ratio of sorts to measure how bogus is a particular comment, notion, person, or Organization!
“You see, while the Y axis could calibrate in any number of gradations,†said Mr. Cat, “one would tend to prefer a scale of 100.†That is, “From zero to 100 and beyond, what’s your Bogacity Score???†The measurement could apply to virtually anything that moves, speaks, or occupies space in the Cosmos… even this piece. (Thanks, no umbrage taken.)
“Of course,†he continued eagerly, “as in any index, its utility would lie in gathering, postulating and refining those factors and contributing aspects one uses to compute the Bogacity Score?? for the subject being measured!â€
So, as Mr. Cat reported to this writer, here goes… the first ever attempt to envision elements to calculate Bogacity.?? “As with any index, whether it be Dow, Barclays Agg, VIX, etc.,†concluded Mr. Cat, “the internal calculation components would evolve over time.â€
But there’s scant time for a thesis or dissertation to prepare some scholarly defense. These are urgent times, mate! That fertile field of enhanced analysis will be left to the brilliant husbandry of those who succeed this generation. So, with Mr. Cat’s permission, and Paul’s tolerant but guarded acquiescence, we launch this promising little barque on the ocean of thought and see where she may lead. https://tinyurl.com/y2x7zm25
Inaugural Components of Bogacity Index ??
Trait/Aspect/Characteristic--- Bogacity?? Points [1] | Bogacity?? Credits[2]
Do your coworkers and Governing Body:
Seek your advice? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 [2]
Tolerate your monologues? --------------------------------------5 [1]
Offer unsolicited ideas and counsel? -------------------------------------------------------10 [2]
Await and dread your next decision? -----------------------10 [1]
Act genuinely cheerful, relaxed in your presence? ------------------------------------20 [2]
Wait to take your temperature first before risking their job? ---20 [1]
Thank you for the inspiration and energy you bring to their work? --------------20 [2]
Act so as to avoid unilateral severance package, “retired� ----20 [1]
Do you:
Exercise and appreciate the value of 360 evaluation? ------------------------------------25 [2]
Approach or ignore dissident points of view and people with an N-95 mask? 25 [1]
Devote daily attention to planning the financial terms of your exit? --------30 [1]
Of course, as in this week’s Masters, the winners are those with the lowest score. Green jackets await. The floor is open; feel free to offer additional components to the Index, or reassign values as you see them from your experience in Governance.
[1] Indicating declining or disappearing credibility and capacity to persuade others cooperatively.
[2] Indicating a positive inclination toward credibility and leadership without constant threat or use of force.
Yours for Better Governance | Ted L. Ramirez ? 2020 | www.ketteringlaw.net