What's In Your Blind Spot?
TL;DR: there's a cool tool that you can use to visualize areas of personal growth and self-awareness, and it can also help you target specific ways to build trust with others.
Our business coach has taken us through trust-building exercises a few times that use the Johari Window as a frame of reference for how we interact as a team.
The Johari Window outlines four quadrants:
When you go through a "disclosure" exercise, like sharing personal trivia or telling a story about your life with your team, you're lowering the boundaries between your Hidden area and your Open area. You're allowing yourself to be known by those around you. This is typically painless and yields increased trust between team members.
A tougher exercise would involve open and honest feedback—that is having your teammates shed light on something in your Blind Spot.
Our coach has us share each teammates most valuable trait, along with one thing we think they should start or stop doing for the good of the team. It can get quite intimate and requires lots of vulnerability!
Do you know what's in your Blind Spot? Do you trust your team to continue to help reveal those things? Are you gracious and kind when revealing others' blind spots to them?
Thanks for reading—hope you have a great week filled with opportunities to know yourself and others more deeply!