What's Your Big Splash for 2019?

What's Your Big Splash for 2019?

Let's face it, many of us are motivated now - today on the last day of 2018 - to have a big 2019. The reality of it all is that many of us will underachieve to where we want to be a year from today. That's being brutally honest with you. In my guess, less than 5% of us will work hard enough to reach our reach our goals for this year and 95% of us simply won't.

How am I coming up with 5%? Well, it's actually a bit of an overestimate, but it's about the number of people that I speak to each year about their social media marketing. I probably do about 12 -15 workshops, seminars and/or classes each year to business owners about their social media. I'm very transparent and offer follow up time after almost all my presentations. I teach the fundamentals and have given away a LOT of useful information that could take anyone's business up a few notches. After all this, I would guess, conservatively speaking, maybe 1 out of 20 of my attendees actually begin to put effort in their social media. Maybe.

Now I'm not being skeptical, I'm just being real with you. There's simply a lot of us that will say that "this is the year", but that motivation fizzles away way before we know who's playing in this year's Super Bowl. Why is that?

I'm going to raise my hand first and say I'm as guilty as anyone when it comes to this downfall in motivation and not reaching my goals for a year. For me, it wasn't until I started to proclaim my goals to everyone on a consistent basis until I started to achieve them. I began to hold myself openly accountable. Then, after I see the hesitancy of who I was speaking to, that's when my motivational button is pressed and stays on. It's probably not the healthiest of things, but the ol' chip-on-the-shoulder thing works for me.

Another thing that keeps me going is simply writing things like this and putting myself out on a limb. If I'm going to talk the talk, I'd better walk the walk, right?

So here it goes, my big splash for 2019 will be to double my income from 2018. It's broad and I have specifics on how I'm going to do that and it's "top secret" from you all. :)

Your turn, what's your big splash for 2019?


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