What's your approach to 2023?
Shelagh Donnelly, speaker and trainer for resilient high performers
Authentic, inspiring expert ?? Shelagh ("Sheila") connects, helps people thrive and accelerate performance, impact ? communications ? resilience, adaptability ? C-level insights ? minutes ? governance ? cyber awareness
Here's to a terrific 2023 … and to the year we've just wrapped up! Some who've enjoyed remote or hybrid work have found expectations shifting again, and will return or already have returned to commuting and spending more time in the office. Extreme weather conditions have impacted people around this globe of ours. Lives have been disrupted and are at stake in Iran, Ukraine and more. We’ve marked the end of our Elizabethan era and bid farewell to others, including Pelé - whom my husband still counts himself fortunate to have briefly met many years ago.
This year's equivalent of the Dutch tulip market bubble This has been anything but an uneventful time. 2022's cryptocurrency boom and collapse may reasonably be compared to the Dutch tulip market bubble of the 1600s. We’ve gone from supply chain challenges to inflation, and many are facing significant cost of living increases amid recession rumblings. Talk of great resignations, reshuffling and quiet quitting has been supplanted to a degree by hiring freezes and job losses, and quiet firing is likely to quietly continue.?At the same time, many of you are in healthy labour markets and careers you enjoy. I know readers who’ve recently landed impressive new positions – including leadership roles – and negotiated equally impressive compensation packages.
?ChatGPT We've come to rely on tech resources more than ever in the last 34 months, and there's another new kid on the block. You'll want to pay attention to ChatGPT. ?I've begun playing with it – and think it helpful to bring this approach and curiosity to our learning – and will continue to do so.
?While it’s early days, with room for increased sophistication, ChatGPT is being touted as a valuable tool for speech and content writing as well as emails, reports and … you can see where this is going. As we embark on 2023, think about how you're of value to your employer and stakeholders, and the extent to which your positive impacts are known. If you’ve seen me present, you’ve likely heard me talk about not only performing at a high level, but also investing care in your image and exposure (visibility).
?What else should we consider as we continue to navigate the 2020s and change itself?
Aspirations Start with thinking about your aspirations, for this year and the long term. Working backward from there, forget about resolutions. Instead, identify stepping stones (goals/benchmarks) you'll establish, and the resources you'll need to achieve those goals. What steps will you put into action as you work toward those goals, and what metrics or benchmarks will you establish to assess progress and the almost inevitable adjustments you'll make along the way? How routinely will you assess your progress, and how will you hold yourself accountable?
Where do you invest your energy and time? As we identify and work toward goals that support our aspirations, it’s more important than ever to prioritize how we deploy our energy. We need to be adept at self management. Our ability to communicate effectively, in person and over a variety of mediums, is a factor in our progress and success. Emotional intelligence (EI/EQ) and cultural intelligence (CI/CQ) can be valuable in helping us continue to enhance these skills. When we work on our EQ and CQ, we elevate our capacity to navigate the complexities of today's workplaces and build meaningful connections with others.
Elevate business insights and core skills while nurturing personal and organisational resilience We can and should routinely update core skills and competencies so we're effective strategically as well as transactionally and in terms of those human/interpersonal skills labelled as "soft". We can keep our minds and eyes open to business insights and other factors (think cyber awareness, ESG, governance, risk management, strategic planning and more) impacting organisational resilience, and to perceptions of the extent to which we add value. Given all this, personal resilience is more critical than ever.
What I'm doing about this Beyond continually investing in my own development, I'm keeping an eye on your needs. It's with all these considerations in mind that I've continued to add to my portfolio of presentations. If we've worked together before, you already know I take care in customizing presentations for each and every audience.?Here's a sampling of just some of the new sessions I've developed and included in my 2023 presentation catalogue, which I'm happy to provide for clients who are working on 2023 learning and development plans and/or conference agendas.
?How to Become Your Own Career Strategist
??Q1 in Your New Role: Strategies for Success
?The Resilient Assistant: Taking Chances on Yourself
??Future Ready: Confidence Amid Times of Change
?Navigating the Transition from Peer to Leader
??C-Suite Strategies and Acumen Without the MBA
?Navigating the Twenties with Emotional and Cultural Intelligence
Appreciation and good wishes This last article of '22 comes with my appreciation to clients, readers and friends – and many of you land in two or three of these camps. I appreciate and continually strive to earn and maintain your trust and confidence in my ability to positively impact you, your stakeholders, and your career. Let’s be intentional in the attitudes we bring to our new year. Enjoy whatever approach you take to ringing in 2023, and to making the most of our 365 days ahead! I wish you happiness, good health and fun, along with meaningful connections and continued progress.