What’s Working and What’s Not Right Now? Linear Vs. Nonlinear Thinking
Chris Pinckley
Keynote Speaker | Coach & Confidente to CEO's, Founders, Artists, & Athletes | Creating Breakthroughs in Leadership & Performance utilizing the Quantum Model of Reality
I’ve talked to quite a few people at this point who are trying everything they can to either get a new job (because they were laid off) or get some new clients (because they lost them all).
And the results are in: nothing is working.
Now, let me clarify, nothing is working that they have tried.
Meaning, the same old-same old, linear paradigm is not going to help you right now.
In the linear paradigm, you sort of grind away, taking hundreds of action-steps, and attempt to eventually make some sort of break through.
And let me ask you, how has that worked out so far?
I’m always open to being mistaken or wrong, but so far, I haven’t met a single person who has ‘figured it out,’ so to speak. At least no one who is utilizing the linear paradigm to attempt to either procure a job or to obtain clients.
The only results I’ve seen are depression, mental/emotional exhaustion, and a deterioration of the physical body as the stress of sitting in front of the computer all day and not exercising and taking care of yourself begins to take its toll (along with the compulsive unconscious consumption that usually accompanies this, what we refer to as ‘stress eating’).
So let’s look at how to tap into your nonlinear mind to either get a job or obtain clients instead:
But first, a basic comparison between the two.
In the linear paradigm {mind}, which is A+B=C, you take an action to get a result.
In the nonlinear paradigm {mind}, you witness the entire equation holistically and are able to see how all equations interact, link, and network with each other: ÷G . In other words, you see the entirety of what it is that your consciousness is focused on creating.
The catch is that a lot of linear action takers fail to see the larger picture while conversely a lot of nonlinear thinkers fail to take the necessary and appropriate action steps.
So the ultimate integration becomes a linear action taker who learns how to tap into the nonlinear for appropriate action steps.
Right now, historically speaking, we are facing the greatest challenge that many of us have born witness to when it comes to making a living and surviving. We can discuss the reasons why this is so in another post, but for right now let’s discuss how to utilize the nonlinear mind to begin to turn things around.
The first thing is understanding that, during an intense time period like this, the linear/nonlinear balance must shift. You may have gotten away with 90/10 previously, which is to say 90% linear action steps and 10% nonlinear thinking. In this model, you were taking hundreds of action-steps and occasionally receiving inspiration when you stepped away and did something fun. In other words, you would receive nonlinear intelligence only occasionally, but there were also a lot less environmental resistance and stress factors involved. The mass mind was more amenable and pliable to physical action steps taken in a linear sequence.
However, with the environmental factors being as extreme as they are, the mass mind is not nearly as pliable and malleable as previously. This means that in a power vs. force Universe you need to begin to utilize power (nonlinear) instead of force (linear) to create your reality.
Now the equation needs to virtually flip flop if you want to see success. In other words, as trite as it may seem, you need to seek within if you want to find success in this newly emerging paradigm. Your equation needs to look at least 50/50 with only 50% being spent on linear grinding and 50% being spent cultivating and developing your connection with the nonlinear mind.
That is at the very least. If you asked me, I would say that most people right now would be best served with at least a 25/75 split, which is to say that you should spend only 25% of your time on the linear grind and 75% of your time focused on the nonlinear.
For myself, I’ve withdrawn almost completely from the linear mind and attempted to direct near 90% of my focus on the nonlinear. And, interestingly, my pipeline has started to finally see some activity. I’ll tell you what though it didn’t happen from any action step that I took. It was presented to me, if you will.
So how do you tap into the nonlinear domain of thought?
#1 You may or may not like this, but regular daily meditation is the quickest way to begin to immerse yourself within the nonlinear. If you want to transcend the limited, neural network that’s firing within your brain that’s got you doing the same thing every single day, then you’ve got to transcend the linear mind.
You do this with regular daily meditation. I prefer the sum-hum mantra meditation. It’s very easy to do, you can likely Google it. I’ll create another post if there is enough interest in learning it.
#2 The second thing you can do is to utilize visualization. But, not in the sense that you may have done in the past. You need to do it correctly or it will do nothing for you. This means that, you need to visualize something that falls within the parameters of your belief system. It also needs to not be something that creates internal resistance when you think of it.
A common mistake people make is to try to either visualize something so big and vast that it challenges their belief system too much and nullifies the exercise. In fact, it can even do damage by reinforcing your belief that it will never happen.
Another common mistake is to try to fix something in your visualization. This will also create internal resistance and is the incorrect way to utilize visualization.
Instead, the absolute best way, especially during these challenging times, is to create a believable scenario that symbolizes having made it through these challenges and trials.
So, instead of a mansion in Maui, visualize yourself with your family on the beach in Maui, laughing and having fun. In other words, utilize a visualization that is representative of having made it through and, not only survived, but thrived.
Be easy and fun with it. Don’t try to put so much into it that you create internal resistance because you just don’t believe it will ever happen. The best visualizations stretch you a bit, are fun to visualize, and do not create any internal resistance.
#3 The last tool that I’ll share with you right now is one that you are likely very familiar with, affirmations. Affirmations DO work, but like visualizations, they must be done correctly if you are to utilize them to any effect. “I am now a multimillionaire” will only work if you truly believe it. Likely, you are nowhere near believing this to be true (unless you are actually one).
The best affirmations, in my personal experience, align you to some form of eternal truths. If you incorporate the words; Divine, Universal, Infinite, Wisdom, etc… words that are neutral yet simultaneously inform your subconscious of an eternal truth, you are likely to have more success.
In other words, instead of declaring that you are a multimillionaire, you would be better served to say something along the lines of “Infinite riches now flow to me in new and exciting ways.” Or another one could be “Universal Intelligence knows how to bring me the perfect job in perfect timing and does so now.”
It may seem cheesy or woo woo to you perhaps, yes. And yet, I’ve been utilizing and teaching these types of affirmations for decades and never seen someone who, when utilized in earnest, did not get some sort of results with them.
The real question right now is: what do you have to lose? Isn’t it time to try something new?