What's the Why?
In Politics… Why are our local, state, and national candidates getting into or staying in politics? Some with apparent success in private life and are throwing their hat in the ring, and others are have been lifelong in politics. Locally, we have a radio personality who’s promised to donate their salary and one frustrated party leader with business experience vying for county commissioner positions, among others. What’s the “why” with these and other local candidates?
Now, don’t get me started on our State Governor position just yet. So, elsewhere on the state level, we have a current state house representative with no noted “why” on their “about” or “home” website page.
Here’s one “why” from Candidate Val Tinney for State Representative District 19, Position 1:
- “I am frustrated with our government getting further and further away from the voice of the people. Politics can no longer be a spectator sport. We need to stop unfunded federal mandates, and return state agency rule-making to legislative oversight. Too many unelected bureaucrats, in too many agencies, are making decisions unaccountable to voters.”
It seems that a number of these new or career politicians have lost, forgotten, or simply don’t their “why”. …while others don’t want to broadcast their “why” as their core mission may have strayed away from their constituents.
In Business and Beer… In the bountiful Pacific Northwest, we have a number of brewpubs, microbrewers, and craft brewers. As a growing industry this past decade, craft beer has afforded a bit of economic success to certain players who have that secret recipe of… people, product, process, passion for excellence, and knowing their… “why”. The latter can simply be about certain milestones or goals within their business plan, but it could also be… quit the 9 to 5 job in Olympia, college education for kids, family legacy… or retirement on Myconos in the Greek Islands or some hideaway villa in Las Vegas. This past year, met a sharp craft brewer in Washington with a fantastic product and other ingredients for success… though they don’t know their “why” just yet. In the meantime, holding onto that hop vine for hope.
What’s your “why”?… It’s OK to let people know about your “why” for business, in politics, or for your family. So, “get involved” and “be heard” to make a difference on business related topics or issues that are important to you, your family, and generations to come!
Great message. I've traveled through that town of "Why" many times and have a picture of myself standing under it.