What’s the Value of Having a Large Network of Level 1 Connections in LinkedIn?
Larry LaBelle
CUTTING EDGE CAREER COACH | Pioneer in Winning Job Search Strategies | Resume Writer | Cover Letters | Networking | LinkedIn Expert | Interview Coach | Work Samples | Salary Negotiations
I have been using LinkedIn almost from the beginning and I’ve amassed a large network of Level 1 Connections of 19,674 (and growing).?That sounds pretty impressive, doesn’t it.?But having a large number of Level 1 Connections by itself has no value.?So how do I use this large network to my advantage as a job seeker, a working professional, business owner, a professor, or a student??
LinkedIn is a social networking tool and that means it’s meant to help you connect where both of you get something of value from the relationship. ?If you want to get a lot of quality connections on LinkedIn, you have to spend time building quality relationships with people.??There are people I connect with who mjght be able to help me in the future and then there are what I call VIP connections who are in my TRIBE and we could both benefit from a relationship NOW,
To get really great VIP connections, you have to invest in building a relationship with them based on TRUST and you have to initially invest a lot of time helping then (either yourself or through your connections) before you ask for anything.?Once you get a relationship established, remember to touch base with this person monthly.?Perhaps you could share information about great video on YouTube or an awesome Podcast that you think would be of interest to them.?This will give you a lifelong VIP connection.
Once you’ve built a large network, how can you reap amazing benefits from it? First, you can create, Photos, Videos, Posts, Events, and Articles from the LinkedIn Home Page.?All of these items go to your Level 1 Connections.?If you content is valued by them, you’re building a reputation on LinkedIn as the expert in your field.?That’s awesome.
Right now, I have 80 articles I’ve published on LinkedIn and lots of people who’ve read them and follow me.??I created most of these articles myself but you don’t have to do that.?Instead, find great content on the internet and publish it on LinkedIn but be sure to give credit to the author.?
One last thing.?When I create an Event, I use the option to view the people who received it and then pick people from that list that I want to send a custom invite to.?These custom invites increase the chance that these folks will come.?I usually cherry pick 250-300 people to send this custom invitation to.
Enjoy your networking and remember, strong networkers win in every way imaginable!