What’s The Story You Tell The World About Yourself? — Barbara Seymour Giordano
[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]
Film Courage: What happens when we outgrow the story of ourselves? You know how some people say Don’t get stuck in your own story. Which is actually a very powerful thing because we can wear our stories like a badge to the world whether they are good or bad. What happens when we start to outgrow those stories?
Barbara Seymour Giordano, Writer and Coach, StoryWorksLA: I believe when you start to outgrow stories you start to have an existential crisis. I’m joking but that means that there is a big shift in your life that’s happening and that’s a great thing right?
“Our power is our story. What are we telling ourselves internally, externally, to the world? Because what we feel is what we attract.”
Film Courage: Did you feel that you had outgrown your story? You were a journalist, you wanted to change things and this was your new endeavor and career with script writing?
Barbara: I think that I was just tired of what I was doing so I was probably running from and trying to run toward for the first time in my life something that I wanted to do and I was too much of a chicken to be a full writer, just jump off the cliff entirely. So I said to myself in small increments I can learn to do these pitches. Okay that’s safe, that’s some writing and that’s some business. And then I crab walked a little bit further and did speech writing and found how rich it is and how beautiful it is and then my next step is to go further beyond that. And I’m ready because my speakers have given me so much and taught me so much. In terms of letting go of letting go of old stories, Amy’s talk again [Living beyond limits | Amy Purdy | TEDxOrangeCoast] is really perfect because in that middle part where we wrote I had to let go of the old Amy…(Watch the video interview on Youtube here).
[Watch the video interview on Youtube here]