What's the Story? November 2023

What's the Story? November 2023

A round up from 256 on the marketing news you might have missed.

We're coming out of spooky season, and we have something very special for you. From top examples of Halloween campaigns to scary good developments in social, it would be a grave mistake to miss it. And yes, we have more bad puns for you, too. Let’s dig in. ?

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Trends and interesting advances

1. Nothing but blue sky for the X competitor

Have you heard of Bluesky? Created by Twitter/X’s founder Jack Dorsey himself, this app has been gaining followers with Musk’s every questionable decision. In fact, there’s even a dedicated platform, Twexit, tracking the exact number of escapees. Musk mentions that he intends to charge users for subscriptions? 53,410 followers migrate to Bluesky. Users are forced to pay to prove they are not bots? Here comes another batch of 35,228.?

According to Dorsey, Bluesky is meant to avoid X’s main pitfall – becoming a company moderated by a single group/individual. Instead, it’s supposed to be a decentralised platform in users’ hands. In theory, this means that Bluesky will allow people to build their own apps and communities within it with individually set rules. Considering that, otherwise, Bluesky looks, feels, and operates almost exactly like X, this core difference can be enough to convince X users to make the switch.?

As of now, Bluesky remains invite-only. However, rather than deter potential followers, this smart move only creates further demand. While whether or not Bluesky will deliver on its promises remains to be seen, we can see the potential for marketers to reach a more informed audience in an unfiltered setting.?

Here’s what Mark Scully, our head of Digital, Innovation and Strategy, has to say about it: "Already, there's an observable trend among numerous brands and content creators shifting away from Twitter in search of alternative platforms to cultivate their audiences. It may be wise to secure your brand's handles on Bluesky, as we recommend doing with any new social media platform, regardless of your current intention to use it."

2. ?Halloween 2024 is almost here....

Well, maybe not just yet. But while the cobwebs of the 2023 spooky season are still clinging to the shop windows, it might be time to start planning your ultimate 2024 Halloween campaign. If done right, it can reinforce your brand, cement customer loyalty, and bring a serious revenue boost. Read our blog linked below to pick up a trick or two!

All treats, no tricks in our blog

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Developments in digital

What’s the price of ad-free TikTok? How can you make sure your ads meet YouTube’s ‘culture’ standards? Is there a limit to Musk’s desire to monetise X’s every aspect? Ok, the last one is simple. But check out the rest of our top-picked game-changing digital trends in our blog here.?

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Words of wisdom

"Content is king, conversation is queen" John Munsell

At 256, we believe in the power of content. It’s kind of our thing. But we also know that simply creating top-quality content is not enough – you need to ensure it makes an impact.?

So, we can’t help but agree with Munsell. The content you create has to resonate with your audience, engage them and spark meaningful conversations. This is where our COPE on a ROPE principle comes in. It stands for Create Once Publish Everywhere across Rented, Owned, Paid and Earned channels. In other words, make sure to repurpose your content so it reaches the right audience on the right channel and in the format that resonates with them the most.???

Want to see how we can use COPE on a ROPE to transform your content marketing? Get in touch ??

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