What’s The Story, Morning Glory?
At the tender age of 11, I was thrilled to listen to a new album released by the English pop band Oasis titled What’s the Story, Morning Glory?. During every car ride and school event in my fifth and sixth grade life, I’d either hear Champagne Supernova, Morning Glory, or my personal favorite Wonderwall and sing along passionately. Even as I listen to these songs while I write this piece, I imagine my former self jamming out in my ringer tee and bootleg JNCO jeans from K-Mart. While I may have learned a few hard lessons in the last 26 years, I’m also a bit nostalgic about my naive obliviousness. Life may have seemed easier when I’m thinking about the surface, but I really wish I could go hug that skinny, thick-glasses-wearing pre-teen and let her know how wonderful she was and what a wonderful future she had in store.
My Morning Glories
Early this Spring, I planted some Morning Glory seeds my aunt gave me at the end of last season. I wasn’t sure if they would grow, but within a week I could see the beautiful heart shaped leaves pop out from the soil. I purchased two pots and placed them in front of the two wooden pillars that hold up my portico. The plan was to wrap the vines around the pillars and have a beautiful flower-filled entrance to my home. As they slowly began to grow and travel upwards, I would dutifully go outside and train them to grow around the wooden beams. And guess what … it worked! Yes. Each time I leave my house (or come home), I smile thinking of their origin and their tenacity.
On June 8th of this year my first morning glory flower popped open. And every single day since then, I’ve adored those wonderful purple buds. I may no longer be na?ve and oblivious to what the world can be and to the power I possess, but there is a peaceful energy that comes with understanding and accepting life. I’d love to explain those things to my 11-year-old self and let her know I’m proud of her for simply being her.
I might even sing her a line from Wonderwall?by Oasis, “I said maybe, You’re gonna be the one that saves me, And after all, you’re my wonderwall.”