What’s the Story?
Louis Gerzofsky Executive Leadership and Career Coach
Founder at EQ Leadership Group
Everybody loves a good story. A good story entertains us, takes our minds off of whatever we might have been worrying about, and might even teach us something.
Our brains love good stories because they don’t like to work harder than necessary (and who does?). They have a big job and burn more calories than any other organ. Good stories help our brains better understand complex issues by creating a narrative that is easy to follow because there’s a beginning, a middle and an end. Even an unhappy ending is better than an inconclusive one because we get closure.?
In the corporate world, some of us are constantly ‘presenting’ to individuals and groups. The slides come out and we’re expected to follow and learn. If we’re lucky, the presenter has crafted a story. And if we’re really lucky, the presenter puts some enthusiasm, some emotion into the story and we’ll be less likely to check our emails/texts/social media/etc.
So, the next time you’re assembling slides for that big presentation to the C Suite execs or the Town Hall or your team, have a heart. We’re all hoping against hope that we won’t be wondering how we’ll ever get that time back. Join your local Toastmasters or study some TED talks or take some acting classes.
But whatever you choose to do, give our poor brains a break and tell us a story!