What's in store for digital and social in the next 12 months?
Jag Dhaliwal ACA
Big4 Audit Manager / Your Big4 big sis ?? | Website: jagsjourney.blog ?? | YouTube 3K ?? | Book author: Accounting for Beginners ??
SocialBro have taken a look at the future and have forecasted the social trends of 2016. Here are their findings:
- Vidoes continue to dominate - Twitter's launch of Periscope has encouraged the creation of more video content on the social network has driven engagement massively. 2016 is said to be "The Video Evolution" and video ads will be omnipresent on social in the coming year. This is a prediction I definitely agree with as I have seen the amount of videos, not only on Twitter but on Facebook and Instagram too, increase drastically over the past year.
- More precise targeting, better personalisation - With the growth of social data customer centricity will increase in 2016 resulting in better understanding of your audience and increased personalisation of ads.
- Buy buttons will explode - Twitter announced its Buy Now Button in October and this allows brands to simplify the purchasing process for a large segment of their audience.
- Bigger ad spend growth - There has been a prediction of +14.3% of ad spend growth for 2016.
In addition to these, I would predict advertising on Instagram to increase as I saw glimpses of this last year.
Click here to see the full article.
Do you have any social trend predictions for 2016? Let me know below.