What’s stopping you from building the business you really want?
FocusPoint Solutions

What’s stopping you from building the business you really want?

More often than not, advisors may have an idea of what they want their business to look like, but at the end of the day they don’t end up taking the steps that will get them there.

So what are the most common motivators to start making big changes to your business? There are several reasons we see quite often: compliance, health, staffing, or other business or personal issues that simply must be addressed by making definitive changes.

But the most common theme among most advisors who choose to make big changes is that they feel like they’re spending too much of their valuable time on various non-revenue-producing activities, which is taking them away from the work that they’re better at, and enjoy more. They feel they just don’t have enough time to spend on their clients, family, business growth, motivating staff, and/or professional development. This extreme dissatisfaction can be a real motivator for change.

While every advisor we work with is unique, here are some common issues advisors who seek out our outsourcing services are experiencing:

  • “I’m doing things every day that just aren’t a good use of my time—they’re holding me back from doing what I got into this business to do.”
  • “It’s going to take me hours to reconcile data for the reports I need for an annual client meeting tomorrow.”
  • “I dread billing time every quarter.”
  • “I’m working with clients who no longer feel like a good fit.”
  • “I’ve had to turn down speaking engagements or opportunities in my community because I just can’t make the time for them.”
  • “I’m spending too much of my valuable time doing things like sitting on hold trying to track down transfer paperwork.”
  • “I’m dealing with staff issues that are taking me away from my clients or my kids.”

Perhaps you share these or similar issues with the advisors we’ve supported through their journeys to a more efficient business model and independence. Today, these advisors, who have been able to successfully built out their new businesses while choosing to outsource their back office activities, now enjoy many significantly positive end results.

Advisors who choose to outsource are often able to successfully move from one business model they weren’t satisfied with, to the (often more independent) practice they were seeking, working fewer and better hours, focusing mainly on financial planning and meeting with clients they truly enjoy—the things that drew them to this line of work in the first place. At the same time they’re able to maintain highly successful and profitable businesses.

And as advisors move away from a scenario they no longer feel works for them, they often become re-energized and excited about their businesses again. Those who are seeking more balance, time, and efficiency within their independent practice find that partnering with our virtual team and services has helped them to achieve those goals.

Do these results sound appealing to you?

  • Advisor is content with his/her work/life balance
  • Advisor works with clients he/she truly enjoys
  • Advisor is his/her own boss = autonomy and flexibility
  • Advisor is able to be away from the office with peace of mind
  • Advisor offers a high level of service and time to clients
  • Advisor’s revenue is comfortable and annuitized
  • Advisor delegates most non-revenue-producing activities
  • Advisor’s staff/outsourcing partners are well-trained and motivated
  • Systems and processes are well-defined, documented, repeatable
  • Advisor is motivated and energized about his/her business
  • Advisor works no more than 30-40 hours/week
  • Advisor has a succession plan in place

If you’re considering going independent – or simply choosing a new service provider or broker-dealer – we strongly encourage you to contact us before making these significant moves.

Once advisors grasp the impact of the solution we’ve created for them, we often hear them say, “I knew there had to be a company out there doing what you’re doing. I just didn’t have the time to find you” or even, “I wish I’d known about you three years ago; I wouldn’t have had to create everything myself and I’d be much further ahead by now.”

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