What's Stopping Women: Equality

What's Stopping Women: Equality

It's 2023, and women still face discrimination and prejudice in the workplace.

Why is this still occurring, and how can gender parity be achieved and barriers removed for women to progress and achieve their full potential?

We're talking about some significant issues stopping women from achieving equal pay, leadership positions, or starting or having a family and continuing to develop their careers.

A glaringly large pay gap.

It's been 60 years since the Equal Pay Act passed, which promised fairer pay and compensation.

However, decades on, there's still an uphill battle for many women, and the gender pay gap is still an issue, mainly as women try and reach leadership positions.

Over time, the women's rights movement has made positive headway for females, yet barriers remain; nuances in the reality of women moving forward in their careers and the societal implications and expectations on women's shoulders.

The pandemic created a regression in female career progression.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, women made up over half of the workforce across industries in the USA, according to the Department of Labor.

There was a notable shift between COVID-related pay cuts and women being expected to take on the primary caregiver duties for their families.

Many women had to make the hard 'choice' to give up their jobs, forgo what money they were making to take on full-time remote school and caregiving as schools and daycares went virtual.

The average American woman makes only 76 cents for every dollar a man brings into the household. It will take another decade for women to get back to that 82 cents per covid year, let alone close the gender pay gap altogether.


New reports indicate that women in their 20s are delaying motherhood, even in higher-wealth states; this may not surprise them, as birth rates all across the states have seemingly declined over the past few years. It's a personal choice, yet the price of parenthood may impact choices.

So are women forgoing parenthood to hold their place on the career ladder, or is there just not enough financial aid and support to make both possible?

The latter, we think - and we know this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding women's issues, and we'll continue to share our thoughts and consideration when it comes to matters stopping women's advancement and progress.




